
Addon incompatible with latest version of ember-simple-auth

maxymczech opened this issue · 3 comments

This pull request has removed setup-session-service: mainmatter/ember-simple-auth#2315

Rendering ember-simple-auth-token incompatible.

I apologize, after further investigation I can elaborate. I am using new embroider build system with webpack. After updating ember-simple-auth to version 4.0.0 the app I am working on was broken. The reason for this, as it seems, is simply that you don't have ember-simple-auth@4.0.0 in your dependencies list:

"ember-simple-auth": "^1.6.0 || ^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0"

The app works fine if I revert back to classic build, and it also works if I try and add ^4.0.0 to that dependency version list. I hope this could be just as easy as that.

@maxymczech Yes, ember-simple-auth@v4 isn't supported yet. I hope to work on this in the next few weeks.

ember-simple-auth-token@v5.3.0 supports ember-simple-auth@v4