
1) Share (into search query) of Badreads; 2) optional "Setting", Enable "Badreads" as Context Menu item

lpstandardrp opened this issue · 1 comments

First, THANK YOU. Badreads I use daily.

Second, searching in Badreads for a new book (or ISBN, author, etc.) involves numerous steps which coukd be reduced by incorporating a "share" feature.

Currently, when I discover a book or author I want to find in Badreads I have to find the Badreads app, open it, and enter the query to search . By Incorporating the ability to share selected text with Badread, resulting in said text becoming a search query, the amount of time and steps involved in searching for a new book could be reduced. In turn the 'search in Badreads' process is streamlined, and consequently the usage of Badreads more efficient and less time-consuming.

Third, an additional idea is to include an option in Badreads' settings to enable/disable: "add 'Badreads' as a context menu item", to {if Enabled} search from the context menu after selecting text (Author, ISBN, Book Title, etc.) directly into Badreads [select text > (context menu) Badreads], thus {if Disabled} avoiding the first of two steps in choosing Badreads after clicking 1)"Share..." 2) (scroll through the list of apps (in the 'Share screen') to find) Badreads [select text > (context menu) Share > Badreads].

Again, GREAT and VALUABLE work. Thank you for your service.(!)
Kindest and Best Regards~

Thanks for the kind words and great ideas, this would really be great to implement, I haven't the time at the moment but I'll put it on the top of the list for future features.