
2 Listview

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How to do this with 2 ListView getting the address?

Hi AndenCastillo,
I don't understand what you are trying to do. What is your use case ?

im trying to make 2 listview that will get all scanning value and put there the all address but i dont get it how to that

Right now, there is only one virtual table available in the library (cheat engine was designed like that, I don't know with new versions of cheat engine). So, after one memory scan you cannot have a second virtual table.
You could avoid this problem by copying all the result of the first scan in one variable in your program (c#, delphi, c++) and launch another scan. It will reset the virtual table in the library, but not the result you have saved.

how to Reset it?

I think if you call iNewScan it will do the job.

i already make it work how to multiple scan but my new problem is sometime its stopped in resetting scan http://prntscr.com/s9imag http://prntscr.com/s9imep http://prntscr.com/s9imgp

additional screenshot: http://prntscr.com/s9imwx

Hi AndenCastillo,
it's not easy to figure out where the problem comes from. And I can't say if it comes from the library itself. It could be the case because when I tried to extract the cheat engine core, I had to remove many lines of code.
I was checking the connector.pas file. It's the file that defined exported functions for the library. And INewScan should reset correctly the scanner.

But you could try to isolate the problem:

  • do you have the same problem if you do the scan with cheatengine ? Did you try with another process (maybe there is some protections, or anything else) ?
  • did you try to unload and reload the library ? (I don't like this solution, but it could force the scanner to reset).

Maybe you should try with only one thread because I'm note sure it's a good idea to share the state of the library between many threads.