

Opened this issue · 2 comments

i wonder if there is an up to date version of ce library😔
this one does the job, but still missing some feature and supported symbols

could someone help? i just need to add support for more command in autoassembler script like aobscanmodule, unregistersymbol(), unalloc()

Hi @Fanixtar !
I'm sorry that the library has not been updated for a few years. I'm not using CheatEngine anymore, but I try to answer when I can.
About unregistersymbol, if I'm correct it's implemented in this library as you can see here:

if uppercase(copy(currentline,1,17))='UNREGISTERSYMBOL(' then

I have disabled some symbols that I was not able to integrate. About aobscan, I know that many people are using this feature today. When I was using CheatEngine, most addresses were hard coded in scripts.

I'm surprised that some people are still interested by this project. I have been seeing requests similar to yours. I wonder if I could take some times to fix some bugs, finalize the documentation, and add missing symbols like aobscan. I don't know if it is hard. For instance, some features like scanning in kernel mode would not work in this library. I don't know how aobscan is implemented.
Anyway, I will let you know if I try to implement the aobcan feature.