
https://www.01.org/powertop doesn't go anywhere useful any more

Daniel15 opened this issue · 7 comments

https://www.01.org/powertop just goes to a landing page about Intel open-source. Can this be modified to go to something Powertop-specific? I was looking for more detailed documentation and was hoping the URL would go to it.

even searching "powertop documentation" doesn't yield any results that look official. Are there official docs? Even man powertop has this line at the bottom:

The program is more fully described at ⟨https://01.org/powertop⟩

IMHO this is the compelling reason why documentation belongs in the git repo along with its build and deploy scripts.

@jubalh https://github.com/fenrus75/powertop/blob/master/doc/powertop.8#L92-L93 disagrees with you.

If the complete documentation were 103 LOC, that would be some seriously weak sauce.

jubalh commented

If I remember correctly there was never any useful information at that adress.

That site used to link to this long PDF which does not appear in any GH searches, though I suppose it could be in a non-default branch like gh-pages or something. https://web.archive.org/web/20191019015936/https://01.org/sites/default/files/page/powertop_users_guide_201412.pdf