
powertop issues with i226

decommentator opened this issue · 6 comments

when having multiple i226 integrated in one box I see the following strange behaviour

clean install with proxmox
PowerTOP version 2.14
running powertop no problem everything works as should be

running powertop --auto-tune
not possible to run powertop anymore
not possible to reboot

I can confirm this issue when running "powertop --auto-tune" on an Odroid H4+ board which use two Intel I226-V network ports.

Odroid H4 hardware specification

Thanks for your assessment.
I'm currently running Ubuntu Server 24.04. with just the basic kernel drivers. Is there maybe a proprietary Intel driver that properly supports power management?

Could you maybe chime in over at Bugzilla? You're input surely carries more weight and might help to get this bug fixed.
