
wrong contentType

fxp opened this issue · 3 comments

fxp commented

I check the contentType of the video file with "file"
the output is just "data"

file test.mp4
testtest.mp4: data
fent commented

Where does the error come from?

fxp commented

Just convert a m3u8 to mp4 with

const stream = m3u8stream(url);
let videoFile = 'testtest.mp4';
stream.on('progress', (segment, totalSegments, downloaded) => {
  console.log('m3u8 segment downloaded', segment.num, '/', totalSegments);
stream.on('error', (e) => {
stream.on('end', () => {

when I test the mp4 file with file testtest.mp4 I got "testtest.mp4: data"

fent commented

sorry for really late reply, what's the url?