
07/28 - Team94

Closed this issue · 1 comments

idgm5 commented

Any comments or suggestions please add them here

idgm5 commented

I recommend you to add a piece of 'readable' contact information at the beginning of the site, it could be the username of your social networks or an e-mail address. Not only the icons. Try to make as many chances for a recruiter to memorize an e-mail or username.

You can also use your web browser tab for this like "@ferbaco86 Portfolio" instead of "Hi! I'm Fernando..."

Also if you get a website domain, it would be a good idea to move your DNS to Cloudflare is just take 1-2 minutes and usually is ready in 30min. Cloudflare gives you a lot of free benefits like an SSL Certificate so your visits can use an HTTPS request to access your portfolio, protection to DDOS attacks and it will create a copy of your website for their universal CDN so all your assets in your website will load faster for anyone visiting your site from America or Europe.

Finally, check your SEO score and look for any improvements you can add to your portfolio. I recommend the Neipattel website because is free of ads and gives you a lot of good insights about your website.