
MS Teams markdown - codeblock not working or working well

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Preflight Checklist

  • I agree to follow the Code of Conduct that Ferdium Recipes adheres to.
  • I have searched the issue tracker for a bug report that matches the one I want to file, without success.

Ferdium Version


Recipe Name

MS Teams

Recipe Version


Last Known working version of the recipe

unknown, but was.

Steps to reproduce

any channel:
use 3 backticks

Expected Behavior

it should render a codeblock to be filled in (highlighted in read):

Actual Behavior

it does not render (highlighted in red)


No response

Additional Information

Also renders completely different from Firefox. Firefox renders as expected. Ferdium not so much.
MAYBE has to do with MS-Team classic versus new modes.

This is Google-Chrome, same ugly render, and same failure to render blockcode when commenting:

Problem-source is Chrome/Chromium/NWjs or whatever wrapper Ferdium uses. :(

Thanks for the update @nerdCopter - as per your investigation, this is a bug in the upstream, and cannot be fixed by the Ferdium team. Closing the ticket.