
`Borrow` & `make_mut`

01mf02 opened this issue · 7 comments

I tried to integrate rclite in a project of mine (jaq), but I can't because jaq needs Rc::make_mut and Borrow. Could you implement these? If so, then I could integrate rclite into jaq, providing you with some real-life performance benchmarks of alloc::rc::Rc vs rclite::Rc. :)

Hi, thanks for reporting this, I'm working on it and going to add these functionalities for 0.1.6

That is great to hear; thanks!

@01mf02 Hi! I updated the crate, please check the 0.2.0 I used another method to implement make_mut that could be possibly less efficient than the standard library but uses less unsafe code. If you observe less performance for this function let me know to update it to a better implementation.

Thanks a lot! I hope to have time in the next days to report on performance.

I have now integrated rclite::Rc into jaq for test purposes (diff to reproduce the changes). I compiled two versions, one using alloc::rc::Rc, one using rclite::Rc, and benchmarked them with ./bench.sh ./jaq-alloc-rc ./jaq-rclite-rc. The results show the runtime in seconds for both versions:

Benchmark n ./jaq-alloc-rc ./jaq-rclite-rc
empty 512 0.74 0.80
bf-fib 13 0.56 0.61
reverse 1048576 0.04 0.03
sort 1048576 0.11 0.13
add 1048576 0.53 0.54
kv 131072 0.20 0.22
kv-update 131072 0.22 0.23
kv-entries 131072 0.78 0.78
ex-implode 1048576 0.72 0.79
reduce 1048576 0.90 0.92
tree-flatten 17 0.46 0.48
tree-update 17 0.32 0.31
to-fromjson 65536 0.04 0.04

We can see that rclite::Rc yields roughly the same performance as alloc::rc::Rc, but it takes longer in a large majority of the benchmarks. Therefore, I will stick to alloc::rc::Rc for now and hope that these benchmarks are useful for you if you wish to improve performance. :)

(Just to clarify: I used rclite 0.2.1.)

@01mf02 Thank you so much, I try to find and fix the problem. I'll update you about the progress.