
my dotfiles

Primary LanguagePython

My dotfiles

My config files and a couple of scripts (in ./scripts/) for reinstalling everything on a new laptop. Has been used repeatedly against x220s. There is still some stuff to be done.


Clone and run make target-pre on the target machine.

Run make client IP=<ip of target> TARGET_SUDO=<sudo password of target>.

  1. [Optional, if using one machine as taget and client]: create ssh keys and add them to authorized_keys list: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "test@fake.com" -N ''
  2. [Optional, if using one machine as target and client]: make sure you have a copy of the password, or you will get locked out! You must be able to type it in!


  • update password handling to use libsodium
  • virtualenv deps (ipython and neovim) -- needs to be updated for poetry

Post install steps:

  • install cronjobs

  • tmux plugins: prefix + I

  • vim plugins need installed

  • youcompleteme needs installed (~/.vim/plugged/youcompleteme/install.sh)

  • install aws cli (this can be done in the makefile?)

  • install terraform (likewise?)

  • install gh cli (also likewise?)

  • sign in to firefox!

  • caps and ctrl need swapped in tweaks

  • install brave ./scripts/setup_brave.sh

  • install chrome (download from website, dpkg -i /d/<download>)

  • add the zshprofle? so that zsh vars get initialized even when used as a script.


git clone https://github.com/fergusfettes/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
make install
make install_zsh