
Caught N10facilities9WrongTypeE at the top level: facilities::WrongType.

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Hi. I'm trying to analyze FermiLAT data using Binned likelihood method with gtselect option evclass=1024, evtype=512 (or other numbers other than 1, 2 and 3) and whenever i try to perform gtsrcmap (gtlike too) i get this error message :

Exposure hypercube file[GC_ltcube.fits] GC_ltcube.fits
Counts map file[GC_ccube.fits] GC_ccube.fits
Source model file[./data/LAT_model.xml] ./data/LAT_model.xml
Binned exposure map[GC_expcube.fits] GC_expcube.fits
Source maps output file[GC_srcmap.fits] GC_srcmap.fits
Response functions[CALDB] CALDB
facilities::WrongType. Cannot convert 'SIMPLE'to type double
Caught N10facilities9WrongTypeE at the top level: facilities::WrongType. Cannot convert 'SIMPLE'to type double

I'm using P8R3_ULTRACLEANVETO_V3 IRF and i want to use other event type rather than using front+back event type selection. I tried to change other commands to see what's the problem, and i guess it's the problem of evtype. Whenever i put other numbers like evtype=512 (corresponds to event type EDISP3, which is best quality energy selection type), it gives me the error messages. Can i ask what's the problem? Thank you.

Ok i think i found the problem. I guess i specified argument for LATSourceModel package incorrectly. After correcting arguments the program runs pretty well. Sorry for confusing!