
Regarding GRB analysis with Fermi-LAT data

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Hey, I want to analyze the Fermi-LAT data of GRB with Fermipy and couldn't find proper documentation for it. If I have missed anything let me know. Is there any documentation dedicated to GRBs with Fermi-LAT or notebook? Please share with me. Any small help would be greatly appreciated.


We don't usually suggest to use fermipy to analyze GRBs, unless you want to study long exposures. We suggest to use gtburst (available with the science tools https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/data/analysis/scitools/gtburst.html) or its ThreeML plug-in (https://threeml.readthedocs.io/en/stable/notebooks/LAT_Transient_Builder_Example.html).