
can i establish connection between two devices just sharing id manually without any server?

ibalaji777 opened this issue · 3 comments

is this possible in simple peer?

Velua commented

Technically but you'd also wanna share ice servers as well which would be more of a pain, guess if you wrapped it all in one big JSON and copy and pasted a few times but wouldn't be good UX.

I have even made a demonstration about this: it requires two devices with camera.

Demo: https://tbbc.app/mps

Once the connection is stablished the screen shows a green background and a ping. No server signaling. Like this comment if you enjoy it.

I think the OP is referring to something like a static ID that two peers share and a connection is made that way.

If that's the correct assumption, this will be easier to use: https://peerjs.com/

Simple-peer can also be used in this fashion, but you'll have to build the functionality into your signaling, as simple-peer is just concerned with the transport.