
getAvailablePlaybackRates() returns [1] even when the usual values are possible

boardfish opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm tried ids of W56sNw6x7qQ and MqAWGhEKEDI for this one, don't ask me why. setPlaybackRate() has no effect either when 0.5 or 0.25 are used. (I assume the rest don't either by proxy.) Is this just an outlier case, or is there a genuine bug? Another thing to note is that I'm testing this locally in Chromium on Linux, using browserify to compile.

EDIT: Just been poking my nose in the YouTube IFrame API, so I assume it gets the values straight from its equivalent function. I suppose it's a problem with that, right?

We're just returning the result of calling the YouTube API player.getAvailablePlaybackRates() so I don't think this library is introducing a bug here. If you learn any new information, please post a new comment or open a new issue.