
Example update

pgawlowski opened this issue · 1 comments


Any chance for updated example?

I wonder how you imagine for example ApiProtocol part.

Let's assume that we've got LoggedOut module.
Let's click button login

Protocol supposed to look like

protocol LoggedOutRouterApi: RouterProtocol {
    func showRegisterModule()
//MARK: - LoggedOutPresenter API
protocol LoggedOutPresenterApi: PresenterProtocol {
    func showRegisterModule()

declaring those methods twice in protocol and

final class LoggedOutView: UserInterface {
    @IBAction func presentRegister() {

as action handling for view?

There are lot more things I am not sure how to use with Viperit :) It would be nice to have this example updated.

Hi @pgawlowski ,
it's definitely in my ToDo list updating the docs and the example.

Thanks for the feedback 👍