
How to push uiViewcontroller?

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How to push uiViewcontroller?

Hi @abhishekInvesto2o,
the answer is in the homepage:

Built-in router functions
This framework is very flexible, it's meant to be used in any way you want, but it has some useful built-in functionalities in the router that you could use:

    //Show your module as the root view controller of the given window
    func show(inWindow window: UIWindow?, embedInNavController: Bool, setupData: Any?, makeKeyAndVisible: Bool)
    //Show your module from any given view controller
    func show(from: UIViewController, embedInNavController: Bool, setupData: Any?)
    //Show your module inside another view
    func show(from containerView: UIViewController, insideView targetView: UIView, setupData: Any?)
    //Present your module modally
    func present(from: UIViewController, embedInNavController: Bool, presentationStyle: UIModalPresentationStyle, transitionStyle: UIModalTransitionStyle, setupData: Any?, completion: (() -> Void)?)

Have used them. But don't they just present view controller instead of pushing inside navigationContoller? Can you just give me an example?

If your parent module view is not embedded in a a navigation controller then there is no way to push. To push a view controller you need a navigation controller. If not, it will try to present it as a modal.


    //Whatever drives your application
    func startApplication() {
        let window = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow
        let parentModule = ApplicationModule.firstModule.build()
        //Now you'll have your firstModule as the root of your app inside a UINavigationController
        parentModule.router.show(inWindow: window, embedInNavController: true)

    //And now some function to push to the second module
    func goToSecondModule() {
        let childModule = ApplicationModule.secondModule.build()
        //Now we can push
        childModule.router.show(from: parentModuleView)

Thanks a lot. As you said I didn't instantiated navigationController at appDelegate.