
Switch from 'sha1' to 'plain' authentication method

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The following E-Mail from All-Inkl support reached me today:

Our system has detected that you are using the KAS API, which means that your custom scripts gain access to several features of the technical administration panel (KAS). So please forward the following information to the developer of those custom scripts as appropriate.

The authentication method "sha1" which is used by your custom scripts is deprecated and support for this authentication method will be gradually discontinued starting December 2022. In order to further use your custom scripts, an adjustment is necessary in the following accounts:

account : date of last sha1 authentication
XXXXXXXX : 2022-08-01 22:19:25

Here's an example of how such a script code currently looks like:

 'kas_login' => 'XXXXXXXX',
 'kas_auth_type' => 'sha1',
 'kas_auth_data' => sha1('myPassword')

Please alter your scripts in a way so that they use the new authentication method "plain" instead. An example how it should look afterwards:

 'kas_login' => 'XXXXXXXX',
 'kas_auth_type' => 'plain',
 'kas_auth_data' => 'myPassword'

You can find a full documentation of the KAS API under:
