
Feature Request - Please provide turndown options as cli flag

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thank you for making this cli tool. However, it would be more useful if turndown options could be provided as flags or may be picked from a config file so that we can produce the markdown in the format that we want.


ff6347 commented

Hi @codeRSH nice idea. I would go for having a global config file that gets overwritten by a local one before implementing all turndown features flags. Using XDG config folders https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/XDG_Base_Directory and with cosmicconfig https://github.com/cosmiconfig/cosmiconfig for loading configs.

Are you willing to contribute?

ff6347 commented

Looks like cosmic config does not support XDG folders yet. 🤔


Hopefully it will be implemented.

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