
need armv6 or Raspberry Pi support.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

[root@mindcat-pi better-initramfs (master)]$ bootstrap/bootstrap-all 
>>> No arch specified. using 'armv6l'.
Looks like 'armv6l' is not supported. If the arch is valid consider reporting it upstream.
>>> init need arch argument, x86 or x86_64!
>>> No build_dir, forgot to /var/abs/local/better-initramfs/better-initramfs/bootstrap/lebuild init <arch>?
[root@mindcat-pi better-initramfs (master)]$ /var/abs/local/better-initramfs/better-initramfs/bootstrap/lebuild init armv6h
>>> init need arch argument, x86 or x86_64!
[root@mindcat-pi better-initramfs (master)]$ /var/abs/local/better-initramfs/better-initramfs/bootstrap/lebuild init armv6l
>>> init need arch argument, x86 or x86_64!


Create this issue on projects's bugtracker: https://bitbucket.org/piotrkarbowski/better-initramfs/issues?status=new&status=open

I will poke around crosscompilation to test it etc, but it won't be anytime soon unless someone send me pull requests.

Ok, I created an issue in your link.