
DesynthResult seems incorrect

witchof0x20 opened this issue · 0 comments

As-is, the dissection for DesynthResult (assuming this does correspond to opcode 708 as of 6.11a global) (https://github.com/ffxiv-teamcraft/pcap-ffxiv/blob/main/src/packet-processors/processors/desynthResult.ts) doesn't seem to match my observations of that packet
The current code looks like

0x00: unknown
0x04: unknown
0x08: source item id
0x0c: source item id again, but this time the modulo is read? I think the use of nextuint32 here twice  rather than reading the value once and splitting it is incorrect
0x10: result item id
0x14: result item id again, but this time the modulo is read? same thing as above
0x18: quantity

where my observations look like (total ipc message size: 0x48 bytes)

0x00: unknown 4 bytes
0x04: unknown 4 bytes
0x08: source item id + hq packed with modulo
0x0c: result item 1 id + hq packed with modulo
0x10: result item 1 quantity
0x14: result item 2 id + hq packed with modulo
0x18: result item 2 quantity
0x1c: result item 3 id + hq packed with modulo
0x20: result item 3 quantity
0x24: 0 if it is the last item being desynthed, 1 if it's one of many in a "desynth stack" operation
0x28: job id of the desynthesis
0x2c: experience (0.64 becomes 64)
0x30 onward: unknown 24 bytes