
Galaxy maintenance tracking for Meteor

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A package for Meteor that will set up an API endpoint to accept Galaxy status/maintenance updates.

Installation & Setup

Install the package:

$ meteor add ffxsam:galaxy-maintenance

Go to the Galaxy status page and click the "Subscribe to Updates" button. Click the <> symbol (webhooks), and enter your app's base URL, followed by /api/galaxyStatus, e.g.:


Once complete, status updates will hit the API endpoint and data will be stored in the galaxyIncidents Mongo collection.


To reference the maintenance data, you'll need to subscribe to the appropriate publication and fetch the data. Below is an example of a Meteor/React container that would serve up status information to a child component:

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { createContainer } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data';
import { GalaxyIncidents } from 'meteor/ffxsam:galaxy-maintenance';
import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

export default createContainer(() => {

  return {
    incidents: GalaxyIncidents.find().fetch(),
}, MyComponent)

A typical document in galaxyIncidents might look like this:

  "_id" : "9kR7rqwuc8sXAHTRw",
  "impact" : "maintenance",
  "incidentId" : "n032xwhnw4nl",
  "scheduledFor" : ISODate("2016-10-17T21:30:00.000-0700"),
  "scheduledUntil" : ISODate("2016-10-18T00:30:00.000-0700"),
  "status" : "in_progress",
  "updatedAt" : ISODate("2016-10-17T21:31:04.976-0700")

When Galaxy (StatusPage, actually) sends out an update with a status of "completed", the incident in question will automatically be removed from the collection.

Subscribe Options

The galaxyIncidents collection will always contain incidents for both US and EU regions. You can limit the region by specifying it when subscribing to the publication:

Meteor.subscribe('galaxyIncidents', { region: 'EU' }); // or 'US'


This seems to not work when added to a project that uses meteorhacks:picker. This might also apply to other REST API packages. When in doubt, use Meteor's built-in webapp package which plays nicely with this one.


Please feel free to contribute and improve this package!