
vagrant halt tries to modify the container's filesystem

Closed this issue · 4 comments

ccope commented

This is fine for the default folder backingstore, but won't work with LVM/BTRFS/ZFS. Move this functionality to a command run in lxc-attach, or remove the code entirely.

ccope commented

Is running without the ability to attach still supported? If so, can we deprecate that? LXC 1.0 has been out for a while now, and users shouldn't have much trouble upgrading. Any command trying to mess with the rootfs of a container will fail with non-dir backingstores, so they should all be converted to attach commands.

Is running without the ability to attach still supported? If so, can we deprecate that? LXC 1.0 has been out for a while now, and users shouldn't have much trouble upgrading.

I'm cool with that, we just need a user friendly message when someone tries to use the plugin on a pre 1.0 lxc 😄

ccope commented

Ok, I'll see about adding a deprecation notice tonight.

ccope commented

not deprecating 1.0.0 for now, solved the issue without requiring attach.