
Some thing wrong

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I can't even start the program, so sad. But there are no errors in the make process

vagrant@ubuntu-focal:/vagrant$ FITM_ARGS=config/fitm-args.ftp.json make run
cargo build --release
sudo rm -rf ./active-state
sudo rm -rf ./cmin-tmp
sudo ./target/release/fitm config/fitm-args.ftp.json
sudo: ./target/release/fitm: command not found
make: *** [Makefile:40: run] Error 1

vagrant@ubuntu-focal:/vagrant$ ls
AFLplusplus Makefile config debug fitm.pdf restore.sh.tmp src
Cargo.toml README.md create_restore.py fitm-qemu libqasan.so rpc.proto tests
LICENSE Vagrantfile criu fitm-qemu-trace misc rust-toolchain tmp

Sounds like FitM wasn't properly built (make all), or you are in the wrong folder?

Oh thanks, I finally succeed in Ubuntu 18.04.

Great, thanks for the info :)