
scat exited with error " TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable"

sramar opened this issue · 3 comments

sramar commented

Branch : v1.1.0

Mobile : Vivo , Qualcomm based

Executed command scat -t qc -u -a 003:018 -i 2. 003:018 -> belongs to diag ports . After "Initializing diag" print getting below error. Can you please help


It seems that the DIAG port is not working as intended, because before entering that part the app will print the version information from the baseband. From the log output I can't see version and build information. Are you sure that the DIAG port is working?

sramar commented

Yes. Diag port is working when i'm using using QXDM on windows machine. Please find the dmesg output after connecting mobile


I'm sorry, in this case I have no idea. cdc-wdm0 is not used by SCAT at all.