
Support for others languages.

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Thank for great work bringing my favourite game to Vita.
Is there any option to support another languages?
I tried to copy x_polish.ras and x_data.ras from stream pc version, rename it to x_english.ras but it doesnt work. error C2-12828-1 saved core file succeeded.
Is there any chance to make it work?
Translated audio and text.
Thank You.

As far as I know there's no official Polish translation, so I don't really know how you would use it with this. There are other languages supported, but those were part of official releases. Maybe you can specify it as a mod file in the config, like mod_file x_polish.ras.

Thank for reply. There was official polish translation Only on pc version. Files type are the same So i thought they can be switched in simple way.
Config you mean in repatch or i the game library?

PC files are internally laid out differently from the phone versions that this port is based on. They won't work. By config I mean ux0:/data/maxpayne/config.txt on your Vita.

Thank you for replay.