
Questions about data normalization

Opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. For training, is wc(3D coordinate map) normalized in the same way as wc in DewarpNet?(reference)
  2. After network inference, why is bm being multiplied by 0.99 as below?
    bm = (2 * (bm / 255.) - 1) * 0.99

I am sorry for the late reply.

  1. Yes
    msk = ((wc[:, :, 0] != 0) & (wc[:, :, 1] != 0) & (wc[:, :, 2] != 0)).astype(np.uint8)

    xmx, xmn, ymx, ymn, zmx, zmn = 1.2485291, -1.2410645, 1.2387834, -1.2280148, 0.63452387, -0.67187124
    wc[:, :, 0] = (wc[:, :, 0] - zmn) / (zmx - zmn)
    wc[:, :, 1] = (wc[:, :, 1] - ymn) / (ymx - ymn)
    wc[:, :, 2] = (wc[:, :, 2] - xmn) / (xmx - xmn)
    wc = cv2.bitwise_and(wc, wc, mask=msk)
  1. Please refer to this issue in DocTr.

Hope this helps! Good luck~