
Processing Longer Texts

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi! Love the library!
I am trying to find a way to process longer news articles/texts. I am getting TooLongTextException. I try to split it into chunks, but then I get an UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'text' where it is not associated with a value.

Hi, thanks! To be able to look into this, please provide a minimal example. Sounds like at least once the variable text is empty

Hi, thank you so much for getting back to me so quick! Here is a part of my code that's giving the problem. It shows that some of the batches get processed, but does not provide an output and gives the UnboundLocalError.

def process_text(texts):
    # Split text into manageable chunks
    max_chunk_size = 512  # Set to a suitable size for your model
    text_chunks = [texts[i:i + max_chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(texts), max_chunk_size)]
    merged_entities = []
    for chunk in text_chunks:
        # Perform NER on each chunk
        ner_spans = nlp(chunk) 
    # Process each merged entity and calculate sentiment
    for entity in merged_entities:
        # print(text)
        l = texts[:entity['start']]
        m = texts[entity['start']:entity['end']]
        r = texts[entity['end']:]
        sentiment = tsc.infer_from_text(l, m, r)
        entity_name = entity['word'] ```


This is my entire code:

 # Function to find coreference matches
def coreference_match(entity, existing_entities):
    entity_parts = set(entity.split())
    for ex_entity in existing_entities:
        ex_parts = set(ex_entity.split())
        # Check if both sets have the same parts
        if entity_parts == ex_parts:
            return ex_entity
        # Check if the shorter entity is a subset of the longer entity
        if len(entity_parts) < len(ex_parts) and entity_parts.issubset(ex_parts):
            return ex_entity
        elif len(entity_parts) > len(ex_parts) and ex_parts.issubset(entity_parts):
            return ex_entity
    return None

# Function to process a single text entry
def process_text(texts):
    # Split text into manageable chunks
    max_chunk_size = 512  # Set to a suitable size for your model
    text_chunks = [texts[i:i + max_chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(texts), max_chunk_size)]
    merged_entities = []
    for chunk in text_chunks:
        # Perform NER on each chunk
        ner_spans = nlp(chunk)
        # Merge beginning and inside tokens for persons (PER) and organizations (ORG), and filter them
        current_entity = None

        for span in ner_spans:
            entity_label = span['entity'][2:]  # Remove 'B-' or 'I-' prefix to get the entity type
            if entity_label in ['PER', 'ORG']:
                if span['entity'].startswith('B-'):
                    if current_entity:
                    current_entity = {'entity': entity_label, 'start': span['start'], 'end': span['end'], 'word': span['word']}
                elif span['entity'].startswith('I-') and current_entity and current_entity['entity'] == entity_label:
                    current_entity['end'] = span['end']
                    current_entity['word'] += span['word'][2:] if span['word'].startswith("##") else " " + span['word']

        if current_entity:
    # Extract the words of the merged entities
    ents = [entity["word"] for entity in merged_entities]
    print(f"Entities: {ents}")

    # Dictionary to hold sentiments for each entity
    entity_sentiments = defaultdict(lambda: {'type': None, 'sentiments': []})

    # Process each merged entity and calculate sentiment
    for entity in merged_entities:
        # print(text)
        l = texts[:entity['start']]
        m = texts[entity['start']:entity['end']]
        r = texts[entity['end']:]
        sentiment = tsc.infer_from_text(l, m, r)
        entity_name = entity['word']
        # Check for coreference and merge if needed
        match = coreference_match(entity_name, entity_sentiments)
        if match:
            entity_name = match
        entity_sentiments[entity_name]['type'] = entity['entity']
        # print(entity_sentiments[entity_name]['sentiments'])
    # Combine sentiments for entities that are the same
    combined_sentiments = {}
    for entity, data in entity_sentiments.items():
        sentiments = data['sentiments']
        entity_type = data['type']
        # If there is any negative sentiment, the combined sentiment is negative
        if 'negative' in sentiments:
            combined_sentiments[entity] = {'type': entity_type, 'sentiment': 'negative'}
        elif 'positive' in sentiments:
            combined_sentiments[entity] = {'type': entity_type, 'sentiment': 'positive'}
            combined_sentiments[entity] = {'type': entity_type, 'sentiment': 'neutral'}

    # Print entities separately
    print("Extracted Entities:")
    for entity in entity_sentiments.keys():

    # Print combined sentiments
    print("\nEntities and their sentiments:")
    for entity, data in combined_sentiments.items():
        print(f"Entity: {entity}, Type: {data['type']}, Combined Sentiment: {data['sentiment']}")

# Process the sample text

Sorry but thats not a minimal example to reproduce the issue but it's just your project's code. I would debug through an actual minimal example, but unfortunately won't be able to debug your project's code.

I'm sorry. I was actually able to resolve the issue. Thank you so much again for your prompt reply and readiness to help.