Simple, effective, and modular package for parsing observables (indicators of compromise (IOCs), network data, and other, security related information) from text. It uses grammars rather than regexes which makes it more readable, maintainable, and hackable. Explore our interactive documentation here: https://hightower.space/ioc-finder/
- 1301476057
- 7h3rAm@Cisco-Talos
- acumenix
- atruslowEngineering Manager @ Mercury
- austinsongerFormAssembly
- BattlemagePrime
- binarytrails
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- dare7
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- joywang233Brisbane Australia
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- Mdulce18
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- pandvanVeneto, Italy?
- peai006
- Pierrot-l3-F0UBabylon
- protonmailmatt
- sh9369
- skurvits
- slinderudNorway
- SyeedHasanHelloFresh
- t0pang4
- theaj42https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajvanbeest/
- tufelkinder
- xrkkBLCU