
Automated Cloudflare Zero Trust for Docker containers

Primary LanguagePython

Automatically add CloudFlare Zero Trust public hostnames using docker labels


docker run -d \
    --name=cloudflare-manager \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

Environment Variables

To customize some properties of the container, the following environment variables can be passed via the -e parameter (one for each variable). Value of this parameter has the format <VARIABLE_NAME>=<VALUE>.

Variable Description
CLOUDFLARE_TUNNEL_ID Tunnel ID used when a tunnel is not specified by label.
CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY API token for connecting to the Cloudflare API. This token should have Account:Cloudflare Tunnel:Edit and Zone:DNS:Edit permissions.
CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID Cloudflare account ID that owns the tunnel.
CLOUDFLARE_AUTO_HTTP_HOST_HEADER Set to true to automatically set the HTTP Host header to the hostname and the origin server name to the zone name. For example, for the hostname foo.example.com, the Host header will be foo.example.com, and the origin server name will be *.example.com.
CLOUDFLARE_DEFAULT_SERVICE Service used if it is not specified by label.

Docker Labels

Label Description Example
cloudflare.zero_trust.access.tunnel.public_hostname Public hostname to add to the tunnel. service.example.com
cloudflare.zero_trust.access.tunnel.service Service the hostname will proxy to.
cloudflare.zero_trust.access.tunnel.id Tunnel ID to add the hostname to. 423971df-7091-4ed9-85e8-25bb598776ab
cloudflare.zero_trust.access.tunnel.tls.notlsverify Turn off TLS verification for the origin service. true


A fully working docker compose example can be found here.