
Realtime editing not working?

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Hi fian46,i was testing version 1.1.5 and i thought you added realtime tree editing.
If you haven't than my mistake for not understanding.But if you have it does not work when i change transition between nodes during runtime.

Task only prints the parameter 0 and returns success.

No this version only do bug fixing. Sometimes when you hot reload script, when game is running but tree is remain intact, the engine is bug and goes to stack underflow. I don't know what is stackunderflow means but i know stackoverflow is and it sounds bad. The tree hot reload is still not implemented.

Ah makes sense,i understood you had fixed the bug that prevented tree from being edited in realtime

So hot reload will allow tree to be edited in realtime?

btree hot reload can allow such thing but i am still figuring out how to do it with current data version is an instance of which btree in running game. The runtime swap facility is there but data versioning is not.

So you say Godot engine is lacking the functionality to do realtime editing?

It is not godot limitations. it is just my plugins limitations. When i am writing the btree, i am not add specific versioning inside tree data to get identify in runtime by remote debugger. But it is already released so maybe someone already using it. I am not sure how to upgrade current data version to compatible with realtime debug for btree. Maybe i can release new btree with realtime debugging with new version that not compatible with this version ?. Or waiting for godot enhancement plans to create universal id for each node instead of path based. That is completely my fault 😂

Well if you mean not compatible as in it will break current BTREE implementation,maybe start like a experimental branch until you make it work with what people already have

Like change the data structure but not what is done in the tree editor,if you get me

I just saw the video on youtube,will test it right now