
Priority Condition param turns from Number to Text

Opened this issue · 9 comments

While I edit BTree, I add param with type Number to Priority Condition node. From time to time, the param automatically turns into Text type and breaks the tree logic.

For now, I just convert the param into int in task_xxx function. But, this is still annoying. It'd better to have this fixed.

   var succeed_if_has_los = task.get_param(0) as int

My environment: MacOS Big Big Sur 11.6 + Godot Engine v3.3.3.


Can you see if this occurs on this branch? I feel I might have fixed this when I was refactoring a bit. I'd be happy to merge it into here if the author of the repo would like my other changes as well. (Please note I am not necessarily maintaining my repo just adding to it as I need)

@mocheng it's working perfectly fine in my windows machine and linux mint too are you sure to download from the asset lib ? or this is only mac problem only ? i am not sure. i don't have a mac. i am using 3.4.3 stable

Yes, I also encountered this bug。
emeny tscn - 行为树test - Godot Engine 2022_2_14 13_48_07
when i click anywhere else,like another scence。 all priority condition’s parameter type will be text(change back to default?)
emeny tscn - 行为树test - Godot Engine 2022_2_14 13_54_37

environment:window10,godot enginer 3.4.

can you check what version btree installed ? because it's working fine in godot 3.4 with btree version 1.1.9.

are you install the plugin from asset lib ? or clone from this repo and use in your project. please download and use from assetlib only.

(_) emeny tscn - 行为树test - Godot Engine 2022_2_14 16_08_12
i download it from github not assetlib.

please re-install it from asset lib probably the current master branch is unstable. i never tested it since last year. or just download it from release page version 1.1.9 that's probably fix the problem.

its strange because i have test the master branch with this case but its working perfectly in my machine.
not sure where it's gone wrong but probably you can send you project here to help debug the problem

yerp。I clone this pluing-in form your Youtube‘s P6 .
it works and fine。 it is not the pluing-in’s problem。

emeny tscn - 行为树test - Godot Engine 2022_2_15 0_29_36