
Chrome: nos2x is undefined when trying to signEvent

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm able to fetch the public key from the extension, and when I call window.nostr.signEvent, it does ask me to give permissions to post the event. When I choose "Allow for 5 minutes", I get the error nos2x is undefined.

Not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I couldn't find any resources on how to fix this...

Note that 'pubkey' is not set on the event. Setting it before validateEvent causes that method to return false. Setting event.pubkey = pubkey after validateEvent still produces the error...

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

        if (window.nostr) {

            return window.nostr.getPublicKey().then(pubkey => {

                let validEvent = validateEvent(event); // `validateEvent` from nostr-tools

                console.log('Event is valid:', validEvent); // True

                return window.nostr.signEvent(event).then(response => {
                    // Does not enter here...
                }).catch(error => {
                    reject(error); // Error occurs here 'nos2x: undefined'

            }).catch(error => { // Did not get public key

        } else { // window.nostr undefined
            reject('window.nostr undefined');

hmm i could not replicate your error. this code runs for me.

signEvent will automatically add id and pubkey if they are missing. can you just try:

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

        if (window.nostr) {
                return window.nostr.signEvent(event).then(response => {
                    // Does not enter here...
                }).catch(error => {
                    reject(error); // Error occurs here 'nos2x: undefined'
        } else { // window.nostr undefined
            reject('window.nostr undefined');