Cannot extract or mount nvme partition
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After hours of swearing and biting all my nails off I managed to get the command working (had to give it a filename on the command line, NOT a folder name!), it ran through and then spat out the "Insufficient system resources" error:
Volume in drive D is CloneZilla
Volume Serial Number is 4B6C-3A28
Directory of D:\
18/09/2022 01:40 PM <DIR> .Trash-1000
10/06/2022 03:47 PM <DIR> 2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img
18/09/2022 07:55 PM <DIR>
18/09/2022 07:53 PM <DIR> logs
0 File(s) 0 bytes
4 Dir(s) 1,489,747,136,512 bytes free
D:\>D:\\clonezilla-util.exe extract-partition-image --input D:\2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img\nvme0n1p3.ntfs-ptcl-img.zst.aa --output D:\
[20:15:48 INF] clonezilla-util v1.8.0
[20:15:49 INF] Waiting for Z:\ to be available.
[20:15:59 INF] nvme0n1p3.ntfs-ptcl-img.zst uses Zstandard compression, which is not seekable. Extracting first.
[20:15:59 INF] Using cached file: D:\\cache\b49f5eea737c11da41510b3dc3fd8602\cache.train
[20:16:07 INF] [] [] Reading partclone content map
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: D:\\ext\7-Zip\win-x64\7z.exe l -slt "Z:\ca78edff-0e48-4c3d-a9ca-e2defd77e860 - Temp\3fd4c70b-7d36-48d6-b174-9a2da2bb7fd4\9332339d-cdb2-4939-8d1c-d3b40b8a5ade"
Process encountered errors:
ERROR: Z:\ca78edff-0e48-4c3d-a9ca-e2defd77e860 - Temp\3fd4c70b-7d36-48d6-b174-9a2da2bb7fd4\9332339d-cdb2-4939-8d1c-d3b40b8a5ade : opening : Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
System ERROR:
Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
at libCommon.ProcessUtility.RunCommand(String cpath, String args, Boolean verbose, Boolean throwExceptionIfProcessHadErrors, Func`2 shouldStop)+MoveNext()
at lib7Zip.SevenZipUtility.GetArchiveEntries(String archiveFilename, Boolean verbose, Boolean throwExceptionIfProcessHadErrors, Func`1 shouldStop)+MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 , Boolean& )
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 )
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.ImageFiles.RawImage.SetupFromStream(Stream rawImageStream, IEnumerable`1 archiveEntries, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking)
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.ImageFiles.CompressedImage..ctor(String filename, List`1 partitionsToLoad, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking, Folder tempFolder)
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.ImageFiles.ImageFile..ctor(String filename, List`1 partitionsToLoad, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking, IVFS vfs)
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.FromPath(String path, String cacheFolder, List`1 partitionsToLoad, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking, IVFS vfs)
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<FromPaths>b__0(String path)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToList()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 )
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.FromPaths(List`1 paths, String cacheFolder, List`1 partitionsToLoad, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking, IVFS vfs)
at clonezilla_util.Program.ExtractPartitionImage(ExtractPartitionImage extractPartitionImageOptions)
at clonezilla_util.Program.Run(Object obj)
at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.WithParsed[T](ParserResult`1 result, Action`1 action)
at clonezilla_util.Program.Main(String[] args)
The partition image is nearly 1 terabyte in size and clonezilla-util has created a cache file on my D: drive which still has 1.35 TB free.
Any ideas how to fix this?
EDIT1: I also tried to use the --mount function, but the result was exactly the same.
Command line examples:
D:\\clonezilla-util.exe extract-partition-image --input D:\2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img\nvme0n1p3.ntfs-ptcl-img.zst.aa --output D:\
D:\\clonezilla-util.exe mount-as-image-files --input D:\2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img\nvme0n1p3.ntfs-ptcl-img.zst.aa --mount L:\
EDIT2: The laptop I'm using only has 16 GB RAM, I'm going to try again on a machine with 32 GB, see if that helps :).
EDIT3: No, 32g made no difference, but I did notice that the temporarily created Z: drive had 8.43TB of 9.37TB free:
Thanks for the comprehensive feedback, particularly when you hate signups :)
The new version I just released (1.8.1) should fix this issue. Please point to the folder rather than file, so the program correctly opens your nvme0n1p3 partition (which appears to be split into multiple files). So please use:
clonezilla-util.exe extract-partition-image --input "D:\2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img" --output D:\ -p nvme0n1p3
Please let me know how it goes :)
Haha, no worries and many thanks to you for creating this extremely useful piece of software.
I tried using the folder path to start with, but it would never do anything at all, only give me an error - maybe because I never added the "-p nvme0n1p3" part on the end - I never even saw that option!
That's when I eventually found out that if I gave it a filename, it would actually start - even though it ultimately failed ;).
I eventually managed to actually get Clonezilla to unpack the files, which calmed my nerves. I was panicking thinking the backup files were corrupt.
I'll give it a try later on tonight or tomorrow, I've spent (wasted!!) the last two whole days copying and backing up files from multiple hard disks - it's driving me nuts.
Kind regards, Kev :).
Thanks! :)
The -p nvme0n1p3
just tells it which partition to extract. If no -p
option is provided, it extracts all partitions.
If you get a chance, could you please post the contents of the file called parts
Also, a screenshot of the folder please. (I'd like to see if the partitions are compressed & split).
Haha apologies for the panic! Glad your backup is okay.
Parts file -
nvme0n1p1 nvme0n1p2 nvme0n1p3 nvme0n1p4
Blkdev.list file -
loop0 loop0 252.3M loop squashfs /usr/lib/live/mount/rootfs/filesystem.squashfs
sda sda 119.1G disk STORAGE_DEVICE
sda1 |-sda1 100.1G part exfat
sda2 |-sda2 32M part iso9660
sda3 `-sda3 19G part ntfs
sdb sdb 1.8T disk ext4 /home/partimag WDC_WD20EZRX-00D8PB0
nvme1n1 nvme1n1 931.5G disk Samsung SSD 970 EVO 1TB
nvme1n1p1 |-nvme1n1p1 512M part vfat
nvme1n1p2 |-nvme1n1p2 1.7G part ext4
nvme1n1p3 `-nvme1n1p3 929.3G part crypto_LUKS
nvme0n1 nvme0n1 953.9G disk SKHynix_HFS001TDE9X084N
nvme0n1p1 |-nvme0n1p1 260M part vfat
nvme0n1p2 |-nvme0n1p2 16M part
nvme0n1p3 |-nvme0n1p3 951.6G part ntfs
nvme0n1p4 `-nvme0n1p4 2G part ntfs
And here the screenshots -
The directory listing was so long I had to stitch four screenshots together!
Hope that helps.
Regards :).
Hmm, still get errors when I give the folder name -
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2006]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Kev>C:\users\kev\Downloads\\clonezilla-util.exe mount-as-image-files --input "E:\2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img" --mount L:\
[11:56:30 INF] clonezilla-util v1.8.1
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Could not determine if this is a Clonezilla folder, or a partclone file: E:\2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.FromPath(String path, String cacheFolder, List`1 partitionsToLoad, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking, IVFS vfs)
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<FromPaths>b__0(String path)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToList()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 )
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.FromPaths(List`1 paths, String cacheFolder, List`1 partitionsToLoad, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking, IVFS vfs)
at clonezilla_util.Program.MountAsImageFiles(MountAsImageFiles mountAsImageOptions)
at clonezilla_util.Program.Run(Object obj)
at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.WithParsed[T](ParserResult`1 result, Action`1 action)
at clonezilla_util.Program.Main(String[] args)
C:\Users\Kev>C:\users\kev\Downloads\\clonezilla-util.exe mount --input "E:\2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img" --mount L:\
[11:58:29 INF] clonezilla-util v1.8.1
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Could not determine if this is a Clonezilla folder, or a partclone file: E:\2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.FromPath(String path, String cacheFolder, List`1 partitionsToLoad, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking, IVFS vfs)
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<FromPaths>b__0(String path)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToList()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 )
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.FromPaths(List`1 paths, String cacheFolder, List`1 partitionsToLoad, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking, IVFS vfs)
at clonezilla_util.Program.MountAsFiles(MountAsFiles mountAsFilesOptions)
at clonezilla_util.Program.Run(Object obj)
at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.WithParsed[T](ParserResult`1 result, Action`1 action)
at clonezilla_util.Program.Main(String[] args)
C:\Users\Kev>C:\users\kev\Downloads\\clonezilla-util.exe mount --input "E:\2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img" -p nvme0n1p3 --mount L:\
[12:00:11 INF] clonezilla-util v1.8.1
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Could not determine if this is a Clonezilla folder, or a partclone file: E:\2022-06-10-11-Lenovo-Win11-img
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.FromPath(String path, String cacheFolder, List`1 partitionsToLoad, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking, IVFS vfs)
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<FromPaths>b__0(String path)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToList()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 )
at libClonezilla.PartitionContainers.PartitionContainer.FromPaths(List`1 paths, String cacheFolder, List`1 partitionsToLoad, Boolean willPerformRandomSeeking, IVFS vfs)
at clonezilla_util.Program.MountAsFiles(MountAsFiles mountAsFilesOptions)
at clonezilla_util.Program.Run(Object obj)
at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.WithParsed[T](ParserResult`1 result, Action`1 action)
at clonezilla_util.Program.Main(String[] args)
Am I doing something wrong?
Regards :).
EDIT: PS, the Dokan driver is installed, I uninstalled and re-installed just to be sure.
Epic feedback - you're the best!!
Your folder appears to be missing a couple of key files:
The presence of this file (content doesn't matter) is what the program uses to determine if the folder is a Clonezilla folder.
The contents of this file are used to uniquely identify the folder (for caching purposes).
Without them the program will crash as you've seen.
To get it working, please create:
This has not extension, and doesn't need content.
Created with notepad is fine, with the following content:
# This checksum is only for identifying the image. Created by the command: sha512sum clonezilla-img
Then if you re-run the commands, they should work.
Please let me know if that works.
Woohoo, that worked! It took nearly 3 hours to finish, but it mounted the image and I could browse it's contents.
I've no idea why those config files were missing, very strange. I also have a backup from the second linux hard disk that was in that laptop, and the files are present.
Many thanks for all your help and patience, it's much appreciated. And thanks for all your hard work on this tool, again very much appreciated.
Kind regards, Kev.
Woohoo! Nice!!
Thanks Kev, my pleasure! Really appreciate your quick & detailed responses - that's rare these days!