
Dropdown Lists stopped working in Hana 2023

Opened this issue · 12 comments

I tried to find out but not sure why.
This code is used for the first columns (others are equivalent):

This is our basis release

Can you look on the method set_drdn_hndl? It was updated some time ago to have some default values. If you have updated the FALV lately it could have some impact here.

Yes, if I go back to the old version, it works.

Ok so I need to adapt the code so the old way is default for the backward compatibility.
Can you please check if in the newest version after changes of IV_USER_DOMAIN_VALUES and IV_USE_ALIAS to be defaulty as space, it works as previously?

This is how I get it to work. It has nothing to do with the default values.
The reason is that it_drop_down_alias now needs to contain values, otherwise lt_drop_down_alias will be empty. what is the purpose of lt_drop_down_alias?
Before the change it was enough to use the SAP standard method set_drop_down_table to fill m_dropdown_aliases of the SAP standard ALV class.

@RTagliento can you explain?
As per my understanding the change was done to add it in falv and forget about standard, but I may be wrong. Also default values from the domain were added here, but all parameters beside iv_value would be empty, then it should work like in the past.

Hi all,
the column table 'DELORPU' has a data element with a domain that has a list of fix values?

If yes with the method 'SET_DRDN_HNDL' will be associated to that handle name the list of fix values of the domain, if you want a different list of values pass the parameter "IV_USE_DOMAIN_VALUES" equal blank.. ' ' space.

This beacuse I set that via default always try to use the domain values, infact at the end of the method SET_DRDN_HNDL is called set_drop_down_table method

and set_drop_down_table has as input

No domain values for those fields in my case.
Before the change this worked:
Now I have to do this:
I think it's better now because no need to call "set_drop_down_table" anymore.
For me it is not a problem at all that this is not working like before.

But it can be problems for others when they upgrade and the current functionality is broken.
Let me think about it :)

I am not even sure if I used it correctly or if it was just working accidentaly. I remember I was just doing trial and error until it worked.
@fidley: Does your program ZDEMO_FALV26 still work with the new logic? I am getting a short dump because some function module is missing. When I look at the code of your report, it should also have stopped working because you are doing similar calls.

ZDEMO_FALV26 is not working with current state of the DRDN_HNDL but I already found solution.... I will commit soon

demo 26 and previous version code should work ok as far as there is no domain value behind.
Question if the IV_USE_DOMAIN_VALUE shoudl be default remains open for now