Diff on string with multiple HTML comments fails
yeldarby opened this issue · 0 comments
yeldarby commented
If you try to diff a node with a string that contains multiple HTML comments, diffDOM throws an exception.
I've put together a minimal JSFiddle to reproduce the error here: https://jsfiddle.net/hr81vosa/1/
jquery-git.js:3335 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'childNodes' of undefined
at fromString.js:168
at String.replace (<anonymous>)
at fromString.js:94
at x (fromString.js:194)
at new A (diff.js:12)
at O.diff (index.js:71)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (?editor_console=true:135)
at mightThrow (jquery-git.js:3044)
at process (jquery-git.js:3112)
Parsing this string:
<div id="c">
<h1>Testing 3</h1>
<!-- <div id="example1"></div> -->
<!-- <div id="example2"></div> -->
Edit: it looks like it only happens if those comments contain HTML tags. Updating to this does not throw an error:
<div id="c">
<h1>Testing 3</h1>
<!-- example 1 -->
<!-- example 2 -->