
Linear Advance Factor decimals

Ex0ry opened this issue · 9 comments

Ex0ry commented

First i would like to express what of a relief your plugin brings. Its amazing!
I never really understood, why flow settings etc. are not handled per material in cura.

However i still got one Problem:
Since the Range of K-Factors changed in the Marlin Firmware, it is common to have very small Factors (like 0.7 for PLA), which require decimal places to be precise enough.
But when i add the LA Factor to the print settings Tab (under Materials), it is only possible to save whole Numbers.
Is it possible to change that?

Thanks in 'advance' ;-D

This is a bug in Cura itself and not in this plugin... Have a look at:
fieldOfView/Cura-LinearAdvanceSettingPlugin#6 (comment)

I don't know if it has been fixed since then, though. I didn't file a bug report on Cura itself and i'm not sure if @fieldOfView did.

This issue is the reason I have not yet published this plugin in the Marketplace. I'm still mulling over a workaround.

I have found a way to patch this up from inside the plugin. A testing version is available here:

Ex0ry commented

Not working for me on Cura 4.1.0...
I'm still unable to enter float values for the LA factor.
Integer Values also stopped working, meaning nothing is transferred over. (LA Factor in the material settings has no effect even with a blank standard profile)
Installation works just as before right?

Thanks for testing. There are two issues at play here. First, there's a mistake in the MaterialSettingsPlugin which still did not allow you to enter decimals and which I fixed here: d3b7239.

The more involved issue that I am working on now is that the Linear Advance plugin does not support multiple extruders and as a consequence does not let you specify the Linear Advance Factor in the material in the first place (even for single extruder prints, because they are just seen as multi-extruder printers where the number of extruders is 1). So that plugin will need to be changed for this to work.

New versions of both the MaterialSettingsPlugin and the ZOffset and LinearAdvance setting plugins have been submitted to the Marketplace.

Ex0ry commented

Does this take a few days until available?
Unable to find MaterialSettings in the Marketplace...
Last Update of the LinearAdvance plugin is also a while back.

Plugins submitted to the Marketplace are tested at Ultimaker. This takes a couple of days, depending on how busy the team is.

The Material Settings plugin and fixed versions of the Linear Advance and Z Offset plugins are now available from the Marketplace.