
This is showing up if i access a site from outside of the US

Closed this issue · 8 comments

there is not point at all in annoying users if their ISP is not inside the US. Sending a letter to U.S. Congress will not have any affect on my local ISP.

Agreed. I care about net neutrality, I do think it's important, and I'd sign any worldwide petition for it, but writing to the U.S. congress doesn't make any sense for me.

I find it odd that some of the most vocal proponents of a movement about the world wide web keep defaulting to one country. provides other by country situational reports that may effect you and you can use today as a reminder to write to your representative about how bad things are in the US and that you are very glad they wouldn't do anything like that.

Indeed, however, this campaign (while it is) isn't neccessary a world wide campaign (Right now in this moment) , it is reflecting the FCC in the US about having a session and voting on to remove Net neutrality laws.

the send a message box needs to be better, it assumes you are in USA

#121 changed the widget action
to be even more US-centric, so we added a donate link with a specific callout for Not in the US? to help us continue this fight!

im a canadian but am all for net neutrality world wide so i put the html code up on both of my canadian hosted websites because this whole FCC bs will affect my websites

Moving this discussion to #145