

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Company Name?

What's the company main business today?
Operating systems (mostly?)

What did the company do in the early days?
"read the raw data from roadway traffic counters and create reports for traffic engineers"

What caused the company to pivot?
They "had only modest success but the experience was instrumental in the creation of Microsoft Corporation a few years later":


I'm wondering whether we could include this, as it seems that Traf-O-Data was a different company?

As it was, by the time the lone Traf-O-Data began processing traffic tapes in 1975, the two had turned the operation over to Gilbert and moved on to form Microsoft.

Not sure, the followings seemed good reasons to me but you decide :)

"Fate: Renamed to Microsoft":

"Predecessor: Traf-O-Data": depends on what's the purpose of this list...

Anyway, happy new year!

Yeah I saw that one. I searched a bit for any source to back that up but got none. This is quite interesting tho so let me know if you have better source. But I guess, maybe just put this on the list. Let people raise another issue if there's any mistake.

Happy new year to you too!

Added on 4201a15