
--LATIN option

sonniesedge opened this issue · 2 comments

In the documentation, the following examples are given:

# shortcut to add in a whitelist of all of US-ASCII (with an optional whitelist)
> glyphhanger --US_ASCII --whitelist=™

# shortcut to add in a whitelist of all Latin characters (with an optional whitelist)
> glyphhanger --LATIN --whitelist=™

I don't always want to be running against a URL or whitelist - sometimes I just want to convert TTF -> WOFF/2.

Therefore I often run...
glyphhanger --subset=*.ttf --US_ASCII
...which is useful, and works as expected!

However, running...
glyphhanger --subset=*.ttf --LATIN
...returns glyphhanger error: requires at least one URL or whitelist.

Would it be possible to get the second option working? Being in an EU country those Latin characters are mighty useful!

For the record, this should work for straight conversion without changing the character set (confirmed in v3.0.3):
glyphhanger --subset=*.ttf

Hmm, after further testing this seems to work for me locally—is it still failing for you? (confirmed in v3.0.3)

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