
Wait for document to load

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I may have missed this, but it doesn't appear to wait until the document has fully loaded. This means it might not grab all content.

RoelN commented

This is probably causing the difference in results here:

~/code 09:19:30
➤ glyphhanger --spider --spider-limit=10


~/code 10:05:09
➤ glyphhanger --spider --spider-limit=10


Both missing characters (ü and the box character) appear on the homepage from which spidering starts.


Please retest with v1.0.2, if you could!

RoelN commented

It still seems to happen with 1.0.2. It's always with the same two characters in my case, both on the homepage (the URL I feed glyphhanger).

You can test for yourself: glyphhanger --spider --spider-limit=10

It sometimes misses the ü (in "...#Dynfntday 2016 in München") and the box character (in "I ◻ webfonts – Introduction to fonts...")