
Problem with face_detection

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Hello, I'm working on reproducing your great paper. However, I'm stuck in the git lfs pull of face_detection.
I ran the git lfs pull and got the error:

Error downloading object: ibug/face_detection/retina_face/weights/Resnet50_Final.pth (6d1de9c): 
Smudge error: Error downloading ibug/face_detection/retina_face/weights/Resnet50_Final.pth 
(6d1de9c2944f2ccddca5f5e010ea5ae64a39845a86311af6fdf30841b0a5a16d): batch response: 
This repository is over its data quota. Account responsible for LFS bandwidth should purchase more data packs to restore access.

Could you offer me a google drive link to the pre-trained weight of face_detection or any other alternatives? Thank you very much~

I find a google drive link from Pytorch_Retinaface
The direct link is this.
I do not know whether this is the pre-trained weight used in the face_detection file, but the demo results seem promising. lol~