Crash on indexCallback with QAbstractTableModel
arkanoid87 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Hi! Thanks for this wonderful lib. I'm working with it and I find it nice to use.
I'm exploring how to link model with UI, but I'm stuck when I'm trying to create a TableView that uses Nim model with RegisterSingletonType. I'm experiencing crash on indexCallback when trying to print value via role name but I can't find where the problem is.
If I use setRootContextProperty instead of qmlRegisterSingletonType as in abstractitemmodel example it works, but I'm trying to avoiding this approach as I've read that it is going to be deprecated.
My dev environment is ubuntu 20.04 with Qt 5.12 from apt repository.
I've wrapped up a minimal test case:
please mind tablemodel.nimble
file as I use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to DOtherSide build path
I'll paste nim and qml code here to make it easier to understand the context:
import NimQml
import model
proc mainProc() =
var app = newQApplication()
defer: app.delete()
let tableModel = qmlRegisterSingletonType("TableModel", 1, 0, "TableModel", proc(): TableModel = newTableModel())
var engine = newQQmlApplicationEngine()
defer: engine.delete()
when isMainModule:
import std/tables
import NimQml
RoleNames {.pure.} = enum
CustomRole = UserRole + 1,
TableModel* = ref object of QAbstractTableModel
customData*: seq[seq[int]]
proc delete(self: TableModel) =
proc setup(self: TableModel) =
proc newTableModel*(): TableModel =
new(result, delete)
result.customData = @[@[1,2,3],@[4,5,6],@[7,8,9]]
method rowCount(self: TableModel, index: QModelIndex = nil): int =
return self.customData.len # rowCountCallback works
method columnCount(self: TableModel, index: QModelIndex = nil): int =
return 3 # columnCountCallback works
method data(self: TableModel, index: QModelIndex, role: int): QVariant =
assert(false) # never reached. Crash on indexCallback
method roleNames(self: TableModel): Table[int, string] =
{ "customrole"}.toTable
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Window 2.1
import TableModel 1.0
Window {
width: 640
height: 480
Component.onCompleted: visible = true
TableView {
id: table
anchors.fill: parent
columnSpacing: 1
rowSpacing: 1
clip: true
model: TableModel
delegate: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 100
implicitHeight: 50
Text {
text: row + "," + column // works
// text: customrole // crash in indexCallback
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
onDoubleClicked: {
console.log(customrole) // double click on cell to replicate crash
Debug output (after replicating crash by double clicking on TableView's cell
arkanoid@box ~/n/m/e/tablemodel> nimble exec
Executing task exec in /home/arkanoid/nim/experiments/tablemodel/tablemodel.nimble
Verifying dependencies for tablemodel@0.1.0
Info: Dependency on nimqml@>= 0.9.0 already satisfied
Verifying dependencies for nimqml@0.9.0
Building tablemodel/main using c backend
Executing task ldrun in /home/arkanoid/nim/experiments/tablemodel/tablemodel.nimble
NimQml: QMetaObject: newQObjectMetaObject
NimQml: QMetaObject: newQAbstractItemModelMetaObject
NimQml: QMetaObject: newQAbstractListModelMetaObject
NimQml: QMetaObject: newQAbstractItemTableMetaObject
NimQml: QMetaObject: newQMetaObject
NimQml: QAbstractTableModel: setup
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: columnCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: columnCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: roleNamesCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: rowCountCallback
qml: 2 2 8
qml: 2 2 8
NimQml: QAbstractItemModel: indexCallback
Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/arkanoid/nim/experiments/tablemodel/main.nim(18) main
/home/arkanoid/nim/experiments/tablemodel/main.nim(15) mainProc
/home/arkanoid/.nimble/pkgs/nimqml-0.9.0/nimqml/private/qapplication.nim(8) exec
/home/arkanoid/.nimble/pkgs/nimqml-0.9.0/nimqml/private/qabstractitemmodel.nim(106) indexCallback
/home/arkanoid/.nimble/pkgs/nimqml-0.9.0/nimqml/private/qabstractitemmodel.nim(100) index
/home/arkanoid/.nimble/pkgs/nimqml-0.9.0/nimqml/private/qabstracttablemodel.nim(51) index
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
stack trace: (most recent call last)
/tmp/nimblecache-3325854957/nimscriptapi_1393979116.nim(187, 16)
/home/arkanoid/nim/experiments/tablemodel/tablemodel.nimble(22, 7) ldrunTask
/home/arkanoid/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.0/lib/system/nimscript.nim(273, 7) exec
/home/arkanoid/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.0/lib/system/nimscript.nim(273, 7) Error: unhandled exception: FAILED: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../lib/DOtherSide/build/lib ./main [OSError]
Error: Exception raised during nimble script execution
stack trace: (most recent call last)
/tmp/nimblecache-3325854957/nimscriptapi_1393979116.nim(187, 16)
/home/arkanoid/nim/experiments/tablemodel/tablemodel.nimble(19, 7) execTask
/home/arkanoid/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.0/lib/system/nimscript.nim(273, 7) exec
/home/arkanoid/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.0/lib/system/nimscript.nim(273, 7) Error: unhandled exception: FAILED: nimble ldrun [OSError]
Error: Exception raised during nimble script execution
Thank you for the report i'll look at it this weekend.
@arkanoid87 Can you please provide me all the versions for DOtherSide, NimQml and Nim.
DOtherSide: 0.8.0 (2fd6baf current master)
NimQml: 0.9.0
Nim: 1.6.0 (727c6378d2464090564dbcd9bc8b9ac648467e38)
I debugged the problem yestarday evening and i got it working applying a big patch on the DOtherSide library. In pratice the use of QAbstractItemModel istantiated from qml (thus registered with qmlRegisterType or qmlRegisterSingletonType) is broken. I hope to cleanup the patch in these days. Until then use the setContextProperty
I've released a new DOtherSide version v0.8.1. @arkanoid87 this bug should be with that version. If you test again with your executable be sure to implement the data
method otherwise you trigger your assert
it works! Grazie!