
Filecoin Plus project terminology explanation proposal

Destore2023 opened this issue · 7 comments


Bytebase proposes the definition of a new term. ByteBase Privacy Storage Platform provides easy-to-use SaaS services and OpenAPI services for Chinese enterprises. We connect both Data Providers and Storage Providers. Data Providers enjoy stable and reliable decentralized storage services based on Filecoin networks and Storage Providers enjoy the benefits from data storage and retrieval. Meanwhile, as a Notary ByteBase proposed a new definition for the Filecoin Plus project in the Filecoin community. This change will help the Filecoin network to attract more people to use it for storage and transactions. We welcome feedback and comments on the proposed changes below.

#Change Motivation
Filecoin Plus is based on a set of guiding principles, detailed in FIP-0003, that focus the program on increasing Filecoin's effectiveness at becoming the decentralized storage network for humanity's most important information.

Root key-holders, notaries, clients, and storage providers, interact through the allocation and spending of DataCap. Notaries retrieve DataCap in batches and then allocate it to trustworthy clients that spend the DataCap to fund storage deals. Storage Providers that receive DataCap receive a 10x boost to their quality-adjusted power for the storage space offered in that deal, which increases their block reward share in the network. This creates a mechanism that incentivizes all participants to make Filecoin more useful. Currently, users who use Filecoin plus still have a misunderstanding of the current definition.To make both Data Provider and Storage Provider better understanding, Bytebase created these new terms to standardize the use of Filecoin plus.

#The Proposal
This recommendation includes explanations of common terms used in Filecoin Plus which were collected from partners.
The goal is to make people better understanding Filecoin Plus when people talk about this project.

#The New Terminology Mapping

Filecoin Plus project terminology explanation Mapping

Terminology(Chinese) Terminology(English) Abbreviations Explanation
数据伙伴 Data Partner DP 专注发展数据主体,帮助数据主体了解和认知Filecoin Plus项目,在获得授权后帮助其登陆存储网关平台(如bytebase.cn等)并协助上传真实有效数据,调试上传API参数,同时帮助数据主体对接和寻找数据存储提供方,规划存储策略,解决存储订单落地的各种疑问,包括但不限于fil汇兑相关的事宜。
数据主体 Data Owner DO 合法拥有数据的机构、组织或公司,有数据存储需求,一般通过传统公有云存储或私有云存储解决存储需求。
真实数据 Real Data RD 包括但不限于视频,图片,音频,文本、数据库文件,镜像等形态和格式。有存储意义和价值的数据,理论上都可以被定义为真实数据,真实数据不一定都是公开数据(该词条对标Filecoin网络中由系统生成的灌装数据)
验证数据 Validation Data VD 真实数据中,经Filecoin Plus指定全球24个公证人验证过的部分数据。目前验证数据占真实数据的比重还比较小。
验证额度 Data Cap DC 由Filecoin Plus公证人授予的,通过Filecoin节点钱包地址所承载的一个或多个额度。验证额度通过该节点地址的秘钥所管理,拥有验证额度的节点地址,在完成和数据存储提供方节点的存储交易时,会消耗自身对应的Datacap额度。
灌装数据 Junk Data JD 由Filecoin系统自动生成的灌装数据,数据存储提供方节点在存储灌装数据时,可获取基础的Token激励
原值算力 Raw Power RD 由总数据容量产生的算力(与该节点的存储空间实际消耗对应),是灌装数据和验证数据之和。
验证算力 Validation Power VP 验证数据在封装后,所产生的约等于验证数据存储容量十倍的算力。
奖增算力 Extra Power EP 验证数据在封装后,所产生的约九倍数据容量大小的纯新增算力。奖增算力是Filecoin Plus项目最主要的激励内容。
调整算力 Adjusted Power AP 原值算力与奖增算力之和,俗称有效算力。是Filecoin浏览器所呈现的最核心参数之一,是数据存储提供方节点获得Token激励的基础凭证。有验证数据封装的节点,调整算力会与原值算力产生差异。
发单地址 Deal Address DA 拥有验证额度的节点钱包地址,一般由f1XXXX或f3XXXX的代号构成。通过输入节点钱包地址,可在www.bytebase.cn首页查询实时DC额度。
节点地址 Node Address NA 数据存储提供方节点的地址,一般由f0XXXX的代号构成。
文件副本 File Copies FC 真实数据在Filecoin网络中的备份,由交易的存储策略决定(每个文件副本都将消耗与之容量对应的验证额度)。
节点机房 Node IDC NI 封装和存储的数据存储提供方节点机房。
网关机房 Gateway IDC GI 部署冰塔数据网关服务器的IDC机房。建议与节点机房一致,以优化网络传输消耗。

All above explanation we show you about Filecoin Plus terminology to help you understand them more precisely.

#What content assets will be updated?
We will start using the new terminology. We also suggest to update the following websites and assets and promote the new terminology where possible.

  • github /filecoin-project
  • Bytebase website
  • slack
  • and other ecosystem tools

#The journey ahead
Filecoin Plus aims to enable the demand side of the Filecoin network and maximize the amount of useful storage on Filecoin by adding a layer of social trust to the network and introducing a novel resource called DataCap. Clients looking to onboard storage onto the network apply to community-selected Notaries to receive DataCap, which can be used to incentivize storage providers to take storage deals.

Hey @swatchliu! Thanks so much for putting this together.

To clarify, does this FIP 1) propose new terminology or does it 2) suggest a mapping of existing terms from English to Chinese?

If the first is correct, can you please explain exactly which terms are being newly suggested, and why these ought to be codified as official terminology?

If the second is correct, we should add an English explanation of each word as well. I'd be happy to help with this, if you'd like.

@swatchliu thanks for this proposal! Would you be interested or available to present in a Notary Governance call? filecoin-project/notary-governance#226

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Terminology(Chinese) Terminology(English) Abbreviations Explanation
数据伙伴 Data Partner DP Focus on finding data owners and help them to understand the Filecoin Plus.   Meanwhile, help data owners to find data storage providers, make storage strategies, and solve various questions about storage in Filcoin and rewards from Filecoin.   Upload data with data owner's authorization, help data owners  log in to storage platforms (such as, etc.)
数据主体 Data Owner DO Institutions, organizations, or companies that legally own data. They use public cloud or private cloud storage.
真实数据 Real Data RD Includes but is not limited to videos, pictures, audios, texts, images, database files, etc.   The data stored by human beings can theoretically be defined as real data, and real data is not necessarily public data (this entry corresponds to the junk data generated by the system in the Filecoin network)
验证数据 Validation Data VD The data was verified by notaries in Filecoin designated by Filecoin Plus.
验证额度 DataCap DC Granted by the Filecoin Plus notary. One or more quotas are carried by the Filecoin miner address. The DataCap is managed by the private key of the miner address. Miner address with the DataCap will consume itself when completing the storage deal with the storage provider node.
灌装数据 Junk Data JD Junk data is automatically generated by the program called "louts", the storage provider can obtain token regards when storing the junk data.
原值算力 Raw Power RD The power is generated by the total hard disk capacity. It is the sum of the junk data and the validation data.
验证算力 Validation Power VP After the validation data is sealed, the generated power is approximately equal to ten times the storage capacity of the validation data.
奖增算力 Extra Power EP After the validation data is sealed, the additional 9X power of the data capacity will be given to the storage provider. Extra power is the most important incentive of the Filecoin Plus project.
调整算力 Adjusted Power AP The sum of raw power and extra power is the basic proof for the storage providers to obtain a Token reward. For storage providers with sealed validation data, the adjusted power will be different from the raw power.
发单地址 Deal Address DA The wallet address with DataCap like f1XXXX or f3XXXX. By entering the miner wallet address, you can check the DC by key in the wallet address on the
节点地址 Node Address NA The node address of the storage provider like f0XXXX
文件副本 File Copies FC The backup of real data in the Filecoin network. It is determined by the storage strategy  (each file copy will consume the DataCap capacity).
节点机房 Node IDC NI Storage providers' IDC
网关机房 Gateway IDC GI Data gateway servers‘ IDC


Hey @swatchliu! I joined the Filecoin+ community governance call this morning and confirmed that this proposal does not need to be a FIP.

If it proposed changing existing terminology (as was the case with FIP0018, changing 'miner' to 'storage provider') a FIP would be needed. However, this proposal seems to codify existing terminology and map it between languages. As such, this is a proposal for new documentation, which doesn't need community consensus in order to be codified.

That said, this is a great tool- folks already seem quite excited about it!

@galen-mcandrew or @dkkapur - any suggestions as to where this doc should live, or what steps are needed to make this an accessible resource for the Filecoin+ community?

Closing as this does not require a FIP. I have confirmed with @galen-mcandrew that the FilecoinPlus team will manage materials related to terminology.

Hey @swatchliu! I joined the Filecoin+ community governance call this morning and confirmed that this proposal does not need to be a FIP.

If it proposed changing existing terminology (as was the case with FIP0018, changing 'miner' to 'storage provider') a FIP would be needed. However, this proposal seems to codify existing terminology and map it between languages. As such, this is a proposal for new documentation, which doesn't need community consensus in order to be codified.

That said, this is a great tool- folks already seem quite excited about it!

@galen-mcandrew or @dkkapur - any suggestions as to where this doc should live, or what steps are needed to make this an accessible resource for the Filecoin+ community?

Thanks for your response. @kaitlin-beegle Yes, new documentation would be better than a FIP, and this document applies to the Chinese storage provider, can you move it into the Chinese community?

@swatchliu I will leave moving it up to you, as you are the creator of this terminology mapping and I do not speak Chinese :)
