
broken links

snissn opened this issue · 2 comments


I was reading the FIPs and i came across this webpage and all the links on the second half of this page are broken:

links like fail with an error message like

ipfs resolve -r /ipfs/bafybeiaih4myed3jcyxklshxud2wh7p2cb2wgblmtuz2464qezxlmyfzd4/FIPS/fip-0050: no link named "fip-0050" under Qma8MzAfojc6a21rGxzoh1AgxE1kCzvEBFjqAwrSjwFYnP

Even without using the IPFS extension it's not working

Thanks @CluEleSsUK and @snissn! This is a website that was built by a community member; it is not overseen or maintained by the maintainers of this repo.

Sorry about that, but so it goes with community projects :)