
Driving Innovation: Filecoin and IPFS Training for Jos, Nigeria's Tech Community

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Open Grant Proposal: Driving Innovation: Filecoin and IPFS Training for Jos, Nigeria's Tech Community

Project Name: 0xSpace Filecoin Bootcamp

Proposal Category: Other.

Individual or Entity Name: Alien Robot Ninja

Proposer: oiclid

Project Repo(s) Please list Github repos used for this project work.

(Optional) Filecoin ecosystem affiliations: none

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: NA

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP under the MIT/Apache-2 dual-license?: "Yes".

Project Summary

In Jos, Nigeria, there's a significant shortage of structured education on decentralized storage technologies like Filecoin and IPFS. Despite a community rich in skilled developers, DevOps, and Cloud Engineers, there are few opportunities to learn about and engage with these transformative technologies. This lack of exposure hampers individual career growth and limits the broader tech community's ability to harness decentralized storage solutions for innovative applications.

Our project seeks to bridge this educational gap by offering an intensive BootCamp designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of decentralized storage. By combining high-quality educational resources from [ProtoSchool] ( with content from the Filecoin and IPFS communities and our team, our program would a robust curriculum covering the fundamentals of decentralized storage, practical implementation techniques, and advanced use cases.

The BootCamp will target professionals in roles such as developers, DevOps, and Cloud Engineers who have the potential to incorporate and champion these technologies within their organizations. Through hands-on workshops, interactive sessions, and real-world projects, participants will gain the skills and knowledge to confidently implement Filecoin and IPFS solutions in their work. This holistic approach guarantees that our participants not only acquire theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience, effectively bridging the gap between learning and application in the dynamic field of decentralized storage.


This project will have a significant impact on the Filecoin and IPFS ecosystems. It aims to address key issues and create new opportunities for growth and innovation. One major challenge is the lack of awareness and expertise in decentralized storage solutions within emerging tech communities, like those in Jos, Nigeria. By providing developers, DevOps, and Cloud Engineers with the knowledge and skills to effectively use Filecoin and IPFS, we hope to create a new wave of advocates and practitioners who will drive the adoption and integration of these technologies in various projects and industries.

If successful, this project will result in a community of trained professionals who can contribute to the Filecoin and IPFS ecosystems by developing new applications, improving existing infrastructure, and fostering innovation. These trained individuals will share their knowledge within their networks, leading to accelerated adoption rates, enhanced technological diversity, and increased contributions to open-source projects. Failing to address the current educational gaps could result in slower adoption rates, missed opportunities for innovation, and a lack of skilled professionals capable of pushing the boundaries of these technologies.

In the specific areas of cloud storage, data integrity, and decentralized applications, this project will have a transformative impact. Success will be measured by the number of participants who complete the training program, the quality and innovation of projects they subsequently develop, and the degree to which they integrate Filecoin and IPFS into their professional work. Ultimately, a successful BootCamp will establish Jos as a regional hub for decentralized storage expertise, contributing to the global growth of the Filecoin and IPFS ecosystems and demonstrating the value of targeted educational initiatives in fostering technological advancement.


BootCamp Overview

The BootCamp will be held four times a year, with each session lasting 10 weeks. We expect around 50 students per batch, reaching a total of 200 students in the first year. The main goal is to provide participants with practical skills in blockchain technology, specifically focusing on Filecoin and IPFS.

Detailed Deliverables:

  1. Educational Materials & Content:
  • Interactive Tutorials: A mix of tutorials from ProtoSchool, the Filecoin/IPFS ecosystem, and communities, and custom material tailored to address the unique needs of our participants in Jos, Nigeria.
  • Custom Content: Development of region-specific content to ensure relevance and applicability, including case studies, real-world examples, and localized scenarios.
  1. Training Program Structure:
    Core Curriculum:

    • Introduction to Blockchain: Basics of blockchain technology, its importance, and applications.
    • Filecoin & IPFS Basics: Understanding decentralized storage, IPFS, and Filecoin fundamentals.
    • Development Skills: Hands-on coding sessions covering smart contract development, DApp creation, and using Filecoin and IPFS for decentralized storage solutions.
    • Capstone Projects: Each student will undertake a capstone project, allowing them to apply the skills they've learned in a practical, real-world scenario, focused on solving local challenges using Filecoin/IPFS technology.
    • Assessments: Regular quizzes, coding challenges, and peer reviews to ensure comprehension and skill acquisition.
  2. Technical Skills Acquisition:
    a. Software Deliverables: By the end of the BootCamp, participants will have created functional software solutions that leverage Filecoin and IPFS technologies:

  • Decentralized Applications (DApps): Fully functional DApps addressing local challenges.
  • Storage Solutions: Implementations of decentralized storage solutions using IPFS and Filecoin.
    b. Skill Development: Hands-on experience with:
    - Blockchain Development Tools: Familiarity with tools and platforms like Ethereum, Solidity, IPFS, and Filecoin.
    - Problem-Solving: Ability to identify and solve real-world problems using decentralized technologies.
    c. Supporting Infrastructure:
    • Local Nodes: Setting up local Filecoin and IPFS nodes to support the learning process and provide a practical environment for experimentation.
    • Resource Hub: An online repository of all course materials, tutorials, project examples, and additional resources to support ongoing learning and development.
  1. Expected Outcomes:

a. Skilled Workforce: Training 200 individuals in the first year, equipped with knowledge and skills in Filecoin and IPFS technologies.
b. Innovative Projects: Development of innovative decentralized applications and solutions through capstone projects.
c. Community Building:
- Local Ecosystem: Establish a local community of developers and enthusiasts proficient in decentralized storage technologies.
- Networking Events: Regular meetups, hackathons, and networking events to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing.
- Online Community: Create online forums and social media groups for continued engagement and support.
d. Sustainable Impact: Creation of a sustainable program that continues to educate and empower individuals, contributing to the broader adoption and development of decentralized storage technologies.

  1. Community Building:
  • Networking Events: Regular meetups, both virtual and physical, to foster community engagement and networking among participants and alumni.
  • Mentorship Program: Pairing students with experienced professionals from the Filecoin/IPFS community for guidance and support.
  • Alumni Network: Creating a strong network of past participants to encourage ongoing collaboration, knowledge sharing, and support.
  1. Additional Deliverables:
  • Certification: Participants will receive certifications upon successful completion of the BootCamp, enhancing their employability and credibility in the tech industry.
  • Mentorship Program: Ongoing mentorship support for alumni to help them advance their projects and careers.
  • Resource Repository: Develop a repository of resources, including code samples, project templates, and documentation to support participants during and after the BootCamp.

By the end of the program, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of decentralized storage technologies, practical development experience, and a portfolio of projects showcasing their skills. This BootCamp aims to not only educate but also inspire and empower the next generation of blockchain developers in Nigeria.

Success Metrics

To accurately gauge the success of the BootCamp project in Jos, Nigeria, we will employ a blend of qualitative and quantitative metrics. These will allow us to thoroughly evaluate the training effectiveness, participant engagement, and overall program impact. The key metrics we will utilize are as follows:

  1. Participant Metrics:
  • Enrollment Numbers: We aim to track the enrollment of participants in each batch, targeting 50 students per batch and 200 students annually.
  • Attendance Rate: Consistently monitoring the attendance rate throughout the 10-week program is crucial to ensuring sustained engagement.
  • Completion Rate: We are striving for a 90% completion rate and will measure the percentage of participants successfully completing the BootCamp.
  1. Skill Acquisition Metrics:
  • Pre- and Post-BootCamp Assessments: Conducting assessments at the beginning and end of the BootCamp will allow us to evaluate the knowledge and skills gained by participants.
  • Project Quality: Assessing the quality and complexity of the capstone projects through the use of a standardized rubric.
  1. Community Engagement Metrics:
  • Event Participation: We will meticulously track attendance and engagement in networking events, meetups, and hackathons.
  • Online Community Activity: Monitoring activity levels in online forums and social media groups, including the number of posts, comments, and interactions.
  1. Post-BootCamp Metrics:
  • Employment/Internship Placement: We are committed to measuring the percentage of graduates who secure jobs or internships in relevant fields within six months of completing the BootCamp.
  • Alumni Engagement: Tracking the number of alumni who continue to participate in community events and mentorship programs.
  1. Program Feedback Metrics:
  • Participant Surveys: We will gather feedback through surveys to evaluate participant satisfaction, the relevance of the curriculum, and the effectiveness of the training materials.
  • Instructor Feedback: Soliciting feedback from instructors and mentors on the program's structure, content, and areas for improvement.
  1. Impact Metrics:
  • Capstone Project Impact: Evaluating the real-world impact of the capstone projects, including user numbers, problems addressed, and the sustainability of the solution.
  • Innovation and Adoption: Tracking new projects, startups, or initiatives launched by alumni leveraging Filecoin and IPFS technologies.
  1. Resource Utilization Metrics:
  • Material Usage: Measuring the usage and effectiveness of educational materials, including interactive tutorials from ProtoSchool and custom-developed content.
  • Infrastructure Utilization: Monitoring the use of provided resources such as development environments, servers, and software tools.

By meticulously tracking these metrics, we are confident in our ability to accurately assess the success of the BootCamp, pinpoint areas for improvement, and ultimately achieve our goal of nurturing skilled professionals and fostering a vibrant decentralized technology community in Jos, Nigeria.

Adoption, Reach, and Growth Strategies

Target Audience:

The primary target audience for this project includes:

  • Developers: Software developers interested in decentralized technologies, blockchain, and peer-to-peer networks.
  • DevOps Engineers: Professionals responsible for the deployment, management, and scaling of applications, who can benefit from understanding decentralized storage solutions.
  • Cloud Engineers: Individuals working with cloud infrastructure who are looking to integrate decentralized storage options into their solutions.
  • Tech Enthusiasts and Students: Individuals interested in emerging technologies and those pursuing related educational fields.

Audience Size:

The tech community in Jos, Nigeria, is growing, with an increasing number of individuals pursuing careers in software development, DevOps, and cloud engineering. We estimate the immediate potential audience size to be in the hundreds, with a broader reach across the region as the program gains recognition. Specifically, we aim to engage 200 participants in the first year, divided into four cohorts of 50 students each.

Engagement Strategies:

  1. Outreach and Recruitment
  • Partnerships with Local Institutions: Collaborate with universities, coding bootcamps, and tech hubs in Jos to promote the program and recruit participants.
  • Online Campaigns: Utilize social media platforms, tech forums, and local online communities to spread awareness about the BootCamp.
  • Events and Meetups: Host information sessions, webinars, and local meetups to introduce the program and engage with potential participants.
  1. Marketing and Promotion
  • Social Media Presence: Leverage platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to share program updates, success stories, and educational content.
  • Email Newsletters: Develop a mailing list to send regular updates, application deadlines, and relevant news to interested individuals.
  • Local Media: Engage with local newspapers, radio stations, and community blogs to feature the BootCamp and its potential benefits.
  1. Community Building
  • Pre-BootCamp Engagement: Organize introductory workshops and webinars to generate interest and provide a sneak peek into the program.
  • Alumni Network: Establish a strong alumni network to keep past participants engaged and involved in future events and initiatives.
  • User Groups and Meetups: Create a Filecoin/IPFS user group in Jos to host regular meetups, workshops, and hackathons, fostering a vibrant community.
  1. Incentives and Support
  • Zero Cost: We intend to offer the BootCamp for free during the first year.
  • Certification: Provide certificates to participants who complete the program, adding value to their professional profiles.
  • Mentorship and Support: Offer ongoing mentorship and support to participants during and after the BootCamp to help them apply their new skills in real-world projects.

By implementing these engagement strategies, we aim to create a strong and active community of Filecoin and IPFS practitioners in Jos, Nigeria, ensuring the sustained success and impact of the BootCamp program.

Development Roadmap

First Session

Milestone 1: Planning and Curriculum Development (Session 1)

  • Timeline: August 1, 2024 - August 7, 2024 (1 week)
  • Funding Required: $1,000


  • Project Manager (1): Oversee the planning and execution of the BootCamp.
  • Curriculum Developer (2): Adapt and tailor the curriculum for the upcoming session.
  • Educational Consultant (1): Ensure the curriculum meets educational standards and is engaging for the target audience.


  • Adapt a comprehensive and structured curriculum for the upcoming BootCamp session.
  • Update the guidebook and learning resources based on feedback from previous sessions.
  • Design new interactive tutorials and hands-on labs to reinforce theoretical knowledge.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Updated and ready-to-deploy curriculum and educational materials for the BootCamp.

Milestone 2: Marketing and Recruitment (Session 1)

  • Timeline: August 8, 2024 - August 14, 2024 (1 week)
  • Funding Required: $1,000


  • Marketing Specialist (1): Develop and execute a marketing strategy to attract participants.
  • Community Outreach Coordinator (1): Engage with local tech communities and institutions to recruit participants.
  • Graphic Designer (1): Create promotional materials for online and offline marketing campaigns.


  • Launch a comprehensive marketing campaign to raise awareness about the BootCamp.
  • Recruit 50 participants for the first BootCamp session.
  • Develop promotional materials, including flyers, social media posts, and email newsletters.

Expected Outcomes:

  • A well-executed marketing campaign would result in a full cohort of 50 participants for the first BootCamp session.

Milestone 3: First BootCamp Session (Session 1)

  • Timeline: August 15, 2024 - October 23, 2024 (10 weeks)
  • Funding Required: $9,000


  • Instructors (3): Conduct workshops, lectures, and hands-on labs.
  • Teaching Assistants (2): Provide support to participants during the BootCamp.
  • Logistics Coordinator (1): Manage the logistics of the BootCamp, including venue, materials, and scheduling.
  • Mentors (3): Guide participants through their capstone projects and provide ongoing support.


  • Conduct the 10-week BootCamp session, including lectures, workshops, and hands-on labs.
  • Guide participants through the development of capstone projects.
  • Provide mentorship and support to ensure participants' success.

Expected Outcomes:

  • 50 participants complete the BootCamp, gaining in-depth knowledge and practical skills in Filecoin and IPFS technologies.
  • Participants present capstone projects showcasing their understanding and application of the technologies.

Milestone 4: Evaluation, Feedback, and Iteration (Session 1)

  • Timeline: October 24, 2024 - October 30, 2024 (1 week)
  • Funding Required: $1,000


  • Project Manager (1): Oversee the evaluation and iteration process.
  • Survey Analyst (1): Collect and analyze feedback from participants.
  • Curriculum Developer (2): Refine and improve the curriculum based on feedback.
  • Event Coordinator (1): Plan and execute follow-up events and alumni meetups.


  • Collect and analyze feedback from participants and instructors to identify areas for improvement.
  • Refine and update the curriculum and educational materials based on feedback.
  • Plan and execute follow-up events and alumni meetups to keep the community engaged.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Improved curriculum and educational materials for subsequent BootCamp sessions.
  • Increased engagement and ongoing support for BootCamp alumni.
  • Valuable insights for enhancing the overall BootCamp experience.

Repeat the Process for Three More Training Batches

Session 2

Milestone 1: Planning and Curriculum Development

  • Timeline: November 1, 2024 - November 7, 2024 (1 week)
  • Funding Required: $1,000

Milestone 2: Marketing and Recruitment

  • Timeline: November 8, 2024 - November 14, 2024 (1 week)
  • Funding Required: $1,000

Milestone 3: Second BootCamp Session Timeline: November 15, 2024 - January 24, 2025 (10 weeks)

  • Funding Required: $9,000

Milestone 4: Evaluation, Feedback, and Iteration

  • Timeline: January 25, 2025 - January 31, 2025 (1 week)
    Funding Required: $1,000

Session 3

Milestone 1: Planning and Curriculum Development

  • Timeline: February 1, 2025 - February 7, 2025 (1 week)
  • Funding Required: $1,000

Milestone 2: Marketing and Recruitment

  • Timeline: February 8, 2025 - February 14, 2025 (1 week)
  • Funding Required: $1,000

Milestone 3: Third BootCamp Session Timeline: February 15, 2025 - April 25, 2025 (10 weeks)

  • Funding Required: $9,000

Milestone 4: Evaluation, Feedback, and Iteration
Timeline: April 26, 2025 - May 2, 2025 (1 week)
Funding Required: $1,000

Session 4

Milestone 1: Planning and Curriculum Development

  • Timeline: May 3, 2025 - May 9, 2025 (1 week)
  • Funding Required: $1,000

**Milestone 2: **Marketing and Recruitment
Timeline: May 10, 2025 - May 16, 2025 (1 week)
Funding Required: $1,000

Milestone 3: Fourth BootCamp Session
Timeline: May 17, 2025 - July 26, 2025 (10 weeks)
Funding Required: $9,000
Milestone 4: Evaluation, Feedback, and Iteration
Timeline: July 27, 2025 - August 2, 2025 (1 week)
Funding Required: $2,000
Total Funding Breakdown:
Planning and Curriculum Development: $8,000 ($2,000 per session)
Marketing and Recruitment: $8,000 ($2,000 per session)
BootCamp Sessions: $24,000 ($6,000 per session)
Evaluation, Feedback, and Iteration: $8,000 ($2,000 per session)
Total Funding Required: $48,000

Total Budget Requested

Milestone # Description Deliverables Completion Date Funding
1 Planning and Curriculum Development (Session 1) - Updated curriculum and educational materials for the BootCamp
- Established partnerships
August 7, 2024 $1,000
2 Marketing and Recruitment (Session 1) - Full cohort of 50 participants for the first session
- Promotional materials developed
August 14, 2024 $1,000
3 First BootCamp Session (Session 1) - Conduct the 10-week BootCamp session
- Capstone projects developed and presented
October 23, 2024 $9,000
4 Evaluation, Feedback, and Iteration (Session 1) - Improved curriculum and materials for subsequent sessions
- Follow-up events planned and executed
October 30, 2024 $1,000
5 Planning and Curriculum Development (Session 2) - Updated curriculum and educational materials for the BootCamp
- Established partnerships
November 7, 2024 $1,000
6 Marketing and Recruitment (Session 2) - Full cohort of 50 participants for the second session
- Promotional materials developed
November 14, 2024 $1,000
7 Second BootCamp Session (Session 2) - Conduct the 10-week BootCamp session
- Capstone projects developed and presented
January 24, 2025 $9,000
8 Evaluation, Feedback, and Iteration (Session 2) - Improved curriculum and materials for subsequent sessions
- Follow-up events planned and executed
January 31, 2025 $1,000
9 Planning and Curriculum Development (Session 3) - Updated curriculum and educational materials for the BootCamp
- Established partnerships
February 7, 2025 $1,000
10 Marketing and Recruitment (Session 3) - Full cohort of 50 participants for the third session
- Promotional materials developed
February 14, 2025 $1,000
11 Third BootCamp Session (Session 3) - Conduct the 10-week BootCamp session
- Capstone projects developed and presented
April 50, 2025 $9,000
12 Evaluation, Feedback, and Iteration (Session 3) - Improved curriculum and materials for subsequent sessions
- Follow-up events planned and executed
May 2, 2025 $1,000
13 Planning and Curriculum Development (Session 4) - Updated curriculum and educational materials for the BootCamp
- Established partnerships
May 9, 2025 $1,000
14 Marketing and Recruitment (Session 4) - Full cohort of 50 participants for the fourth session
- Promotional materials developed
May 16, 2025 $1,000
15 Fourth BootCamp Session (Session 4) - Conduct the 10-week BootCamp session
- Capstone projects developed and presented
July 26, 2025 $9,000
16 Evaluation, Feedback, and Iteration (Session 4) - Improved curriculum and materials for future iterations
- Follow-up events planned and executed
August 2, 2025 $1,000

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

Long-Term Plans for Maintenance and Improvement

To guarantee the long-term success and sustainability of the Filecoin/IPFS BootCamp in Jos, Nigeria, our team has developed a comprehensive maintenance and upgrade plan. This plan includes continuous curriculum updates, ongoing community engagement, regular assessment, and strategic partnerships to keep the program relevant and impactful.

Curriculum Updates and Enhancements

  1. Regular Review:
    We will conduct biannual reviews of the curriculum to incorporate the latest advancements in Filecoin and IPFS technologies. This will ensure that participants receive up-to-date and cutting-edge knowledge.

  2. Feedback Integration:
    We will actively collect and analyze feedback from participants and instructors after each BootCamp session. This feedback will be used to make necessary adjustments and improvements to the curriculum and teaching methods.

  3. New Modules:
    We will develop new modules and advanced courses based on emerging trends and technologies in decentralized storage and blockchain.

  4. Community Engagement and Support

  5. Alumni Network:
    We will maintain a strong alumni network through regular meetups, workshops, and online forums. This will provide continuous learning opportunities and foster a sense of community among past participants.

  6. Mentorship Programs:
    We will establish a mentorship program where experienced alumni can guide new participants, providing support and sharing real-world experiences.

  7. Local User Groups:
    We will continue to support and expand local Filecoin/IPFS user groups, organizing events and hackathons to keep the community engaged and motivated.

Regular Assessment and Quality Assurance

  1. Performance Metrics:
    We will implement a system to track and measure the performance and outcomes of the BootCamp sessions. This includes monitoring participant progress, project quality, and overall satisfaction.

  2. Quality Assurance:
    We will ensure high standards of instruction and content delivery by regularly assessing the performance of instructors and teaching assistants. Professional development opportunities will be provided to enhance their skills.

  3. Accreditation and Certification:
    We will seek accreditation from relevant educational bodies to add credibility to the program and offer recognized certification to participants.

Strategic Partnerships and Funding

  1. Partnerships with Tech Companies:
    We aim to establish partnerships with tech companies and organizations that are interested in decentralized technologies. These partnerships can provide additional resources, sponsorships, and opportunities for participants to work on real-world projects.

  2. Grant Applications:
    We will continuously apply for grants and funding opportunities to support the program's growth and sustainability. Highlighting the program's impact and success will help attract more funding.

  3. Corporate Sponsorships:
    We will seek sponsorships from local and international companies that see value in supporting tech education and community development.

Technology and Infrastructure Upgrades

  1. Resource Hub:
    We will maintain and regularly update an online resource hub where participants can access learning materials, recorded sessions, and additional resources. Ensuring that the platform is user-friendly and up-to-date is a priority.

  2. Software Tools:
    We will continuously evaluate and upgrade the software tools and platforms used for the BootCamp, ensuring they meet the latest standards and provide the best learning experience.

  3. Infrastructure Improvements:
    We will invest in the necessary infrastructure, such as high-speed internet and modern computer labs, to support the hands-on and interactive nature of the BootCamp.

Sustainability and Scalability

  1. Expansion Plans:
    We will explore opportunities to expand the BootCamp to other regions in Nigeria and beyond, replicating the successful model to reach a broader audience.

  2. Self-Sustaining Model:
    We will develop a self-sustaining model by introducing a tiered fee structure, offering paid advanced courses, and creating value-added services for alumni and local businesses.

  3. Continuous Improvement:
    We will foster a culture of continuous improvement within the team, encouraging innovation and responsiveness to the evolving needs of the tech community.

By implementing these maintenance and upgrade plans, we aim to ensure that the Filecoin/IPFS BootCamp remains a valuable and impactful program, fostering a skilled and knowledgeable community of decentralized technology practitioners in Jos, Nigeria, and beyond.


Team Members

Nate Mamman

Jacobs David

Afekhide Gbadamosi

Oluwatobi Jolayemi

Janet Ishola

Team Website,

Relevant Experience

Team Profile: Relevant Experience and Suitability for the Project

Our team brings together a wealth of experience and a diverse set of skills, making us exceptionally well-suited to lead the Filecoin/IPFS BootCamp project in Jos, Nigeria. Below is a detailed description of our team's relevant experience and why we believe we are the right team for this initiative.

Nate Mamman
Nate Mamman is a seasoned software developer, technical educator, and entrepreneur with 15 years of professional experience. His extensive background in software development and his passion for teaching make him an invaluable asset to our BootCamp project. Nate has a proven track record of designing and delivering technical training programs that empower participants with practical skills and knowledge. His entrepreneurial experience ensures that he brings a strategic and innovative approach to the project, driving its success from both a technical and operational perspective.

David Jacobs
David Jacobs is a Critical Thinking DevOps Engineer with a knack for automation and an extensive understanding of high-availability infrastructure and microservices. David's expertise in creating and managing robust, scalable systems is crucial for the technical training aspect of the BootCamp. His ability to work effectively in fast-paced environments and his strong team player qualities ensure that the project runs smoothly and efficiently. David's focus on automation and high-availability systems will provide participants with cutting-edge knowledge and practical skills that are highly relevant in today's tech industry.

Afekhide Gbadamosi
Afekhide Gbadamosi is a multifaceted professional with skills in development, design, and technical education. His dual expertise in both the technical and creative aspects of software development ensures that the curriculum is not only technically sound but also engaging and accessible. Afekhide's experience as a technical educator enables him to communicate complex concepts clearly and effectively, making learning enjoyable and impactful for participants. His design skills will also ensure that all educational materials are visually appealing and easy to understand.

Janet Ishola
Janet Ishola is a highly skilled and dedicated Software Engineer with a proven track record of designing, developing, and delivering high-quality software solutions. Janet's attention to detail and commitment to excellence will ensure that all aspects of the BootCamp, from curriculum development to project execution, meet the highest standards of quality. Her extensive experience in software engineering provides a strong foundation for mentoring participants and guiding them through the practical aspects of the training program.

Oluwatobi Jolayemi
Oluwatobi Jolayemi is an ambitious software engineer with a passion for technology and a drive to create innovative solutions. With a track record of delivering high-quality code and architecting efficient software solutions, Oluwatobi is committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements. His enthusiasm for tackling complex challenges head-on and his ability to thrive in fast-paced environments make him an ideal team member for this project. Oluwatobi's passion for innovation will inspire participants and encourage them to think creatively and push the boundaries of what is possible.

Why We Are the Right Team
Our team is uniquely positioned to lead the Filecoin/IPFS BootCamp project due to our collective experience in software development, technical education, and innovative solution delivery. We have successfully executed similar training programs, and our team members bring a blend of technical expertise, educational experience, and a passion for fostering technological advancement.

We believe that our deep understanding of decentralized technologies, combined with our commitment to high-quality education, will enable us to deliver a transformative learning experience for participants. Our diverse skill sets and collaborative approach ensure that we can address the varied needs of our target audience, empowering them with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the rapidly evolving field of decentralized storage and blockchain technologies.

In summary, our team's extensive experience, passion for education, and dedication to innovation make us the perfect choice to lead this BootCamp project and drive its success.

Team code repositories

Additional Information

How did you learn about the Open Grants Program? The Filecoin Website.
