
FEATURE REQUEST: Allow client-side processing of files before uploading

OneHatRepo opened this issue · 2 comments

I'd like to be able to resize images on the client side before uploading them to the server. This would require some way to hook into the upload process.

I've tried Dropzone.onChange, but processing the images requires onChange to be an async handler, and it's currently not. i.e. If onChange returns a Promise, it would await that Promise before continuing on with the upload.

I've also tried the actionButtons / uploadButton with autoUpload = false. Using this prevents the automatic upload, and assigning an onClick handler to the uploadButton means I get to process the event, but I seem to have no way to initiate the upload once the processing is done. Is there a way to initiate the upload externally? That would solve the problem.

Being able to do these requires you to edit the source code. for example I've implemented the custom upload button by passing a state to the dropzone component and using it inside a useEffect hook .

@Pooyahmti I forked the repository and made a few tweaks to @files-ui/react/build/, and that worked, but I'd rather have something actually built into the library. It seems like other people would like to be able to publicly access the uploadfiles() method of Dropzone.