
FullCycle PFA Docker - Challenge 1

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PFA Docker 🐋


💬 About

This project was developed following FullCycle's PFA.

Challenge 1

  • Create a program that list some of Full Cycle course modules
  • Create a nginx image that receice the http requests
  • Create a Gihub repo with the program & docker images
  • Create README.md with commands to send to the app that will run on port 8080
  • No docker-compose

💻 Technologies

📜 Requirements

💿 Installation

git clone git@github.com:filipe1309/fc-pfa-docker.git
cd fc-pfa-docker

Create docker network

docker network create pfa-docker

🏃 Running

Up app



docker run --rm -d --network pfa-docker -v $(pwd)/mysql/db:/var/lib/mysql --name pfa-docker-mysql devontherun/pfa-docker-mysql
docker run --rm -d --network pfa-docker -v $(pwd)/node:/usr/src/app --name pfa-docker-node devontherun/pfa-docker-node
docker run --rm -d --network pfa-docker -p 8080:80 --name pfa-docker-nginx devontherun/pfa-docker-nginx


docker-compose up

docker-compose down to remove containers

Access http://localhost:8080/

Stop containers

docker stop $(docker ps -f name=pfa-docker -q)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



About Me

Done with ♥ by Filipe Leuch Bonfim 🖖