
Crash Sometimes

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi !
I meet a strange problem that "sometimes" it will crash due to beyond the data array.

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 2 beyond bounds [0 .. 1]'

and the " bounds[0..1] " will be different every time, sometimes it's [0..0], sometimes it's [0..2] and [0..3],

hope you can help me !


Which version are you using? I tried to solve this problem in 0.2.2 but I don't know exactly when it occurs, so I'm not sure it is really solved.

Recently a documentation error was reported. Could you verify if you implemented the method below using index as a reference instead of row?

func pickerView(pickerView: PickerView, titleForRow row: Int, index: Int) -> String {
    let item = itemsThatYouWantToPresent[index] // NOTE: Use `index` instead of `row` to retrieve your data correctly
    return item.text 

Until today earlier the docs were recommending to use row instead of index, maybe you implemented when the instructions were wrong.

I'm using PickerView in two projects and I don't have this problem. I hope the tips above can help you

Thanks first !

I noticed that when i use it,still crash sometimes yesterday.So i debug it ,the problem is happened in the " if " sentence in "scrollViewDidScroll" function

tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath) as? SimplePickerTableViewCell

I think the problem maybe in some extreme conditions get the cell before reused it. because in "this case" ,DidScroll func run first than cellForRowAtIndexpath. And Today i run this project on my phone,it's only crash once.So strangely :(

And a small advice for this project,you can adjust this line in "ScrollViewWillEndDragging" into "scrollViewDidEndDecelerating"

delegate?.pickerView?(self, didSelectRow: currentSelectedRow, index: currentSelectedIndex)

because it's looks strange,the SelectedValue Changed before scroll to be selected.

Sorry, I was not able to reproduce this behavior.

@Hinsverson do you think that this behavior is related to #36?

Have you ever returned 0 as the number of rows on the data source?