
Does Linkcheck honours http-equiv="refresh"?

jmichelgarcia opened this issue · 0 comments


I'm using this to validate a Hugo website and I think linkcheck is not honouring the redirect.
The homepage is requesting a redirect from / to /en. Linkcheck seems to detect that (completely new destination: http://localhost:1313/en/), but finds no links.

If I run /linkcheck :1313/en --debug, then it works as expected.
Am I missing anything?

This is what I'm doing:

  • Running: /linkcheck :1313 --debug
  • Output is:
Reading URLs:
Crawl will start on the following URLs: [http://localhost:1313/]
Crawl will check pages only on URLs satisfying: {http://localhost:1313/**}
Crawl will skip links that match patterns: UrlSkipper<>
Crawl will check the following servers (and their robots.txt) first: {localhost:1313}
Using 8 threads.
Checking robots.txt and availability of server: localhost:1313
Added: http://localhost:1313/ to Worker<1> with 0ms delay
Server check of localhost:1313 complete.
Server check for localhost:1313 complete: connected, robots.txt found.
Done checking: http://localhost:1313/ (HTTP 200) => 1 links
- completely new destination: http://localhost:1313/en/
Added: http://localhost:1313/en/ to Worker<0> with 0ms delay
Done checking: http://localhost:1313/en/ (HTTP 200) => 0 links
  • This is the content of curl localhost:1313:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <link rel="canonical" href="//localhost:1313/en/">
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=//localhost:1313/en/">